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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. this is what happens when there is uranium in the drinking water...
  2. Hell yeah. we have so many awesome customizers here, its almost a shame we didn't have one before!!
  3. *patiently waits for Ez-8 and Gouf Flight/Custom Arch Enemy series*
  4. damn, those things are sweet. great job, Devin.
  5. i like ff8 too. i don´t know why some people hate it. FF VIII ownz. no two ways about it. its the Best. Damn. FF. EVER. nothing before or after has compared. its a great damn game. i wish someone would make a replica of Squall's Gunblade or the Lionheart. damn, that would be sweet. all yall haters, tell me it didn't kick ass to see the Ragnarok go in with guns blazing....
  6. as long as he comes with an m41 carbine, he'll be tight. ...the ultimate badass. Damn, i just noticed they are also making a Texas ChainSaw Massace Erin figure... ...and guess who played Erin in the 2003 version... <-----Jessica!!
  7. i'd be better if Squall and Rinoa were in it... The FF VIII Liberation Front strikes again! Seig Balamb!!
  8. As much as i hate to start a thread about hype, the Spawn.com page for the 2004 toyfare has the new Movie Maniacs lineup posted (series 7, i think). supposedly, they have answered my prayers! Colonial Marine Hicks!! here's the link...no pics yet but its been anounced!! maybe series 8 will have Vasquez or Hudson!!! *giggles in USCM Fanboy Delight!!*
  9. nah, Wayne's probably gonna stick around for a few more eps.
  10. Hell. Yes. i spent the money on my 1/48 and never looked back. gonna be getting another one here real soon....
  11. Devin (anasazi37) makes awesome stickers and waterslides for the 1/48. i recommend them to anyone who is looking for some nice stickers on their valk. Devin's an incredibly good guy. you won't be disappointed.
  12. empty that Clip, Jack. someone can never be dead enough a good ep. while not great, still a pretty good one.
  13. Yep. good stuff coming up, with Kyle and Jade's relationship. Ron Marz, the guy who created Kyle is coming back on the book in April, and supposedly, big changes are up. Hal always seemed too much for me. the whole "more WillPower than God" thing wasn't my cup of tea. Kyle is an everyman, just like Batman (way better than supes, IMO) in that extraordinary circumstances made him who he is. he gets a crazy ass ring with the powers of a god (and no problem with yellow), and then some psycho comes and shoves his girl in a fridge. i think hes a good one, and i hope he stays around for a while. Gardener was cool in that he was an ass. period. then he got it handed to him by Doomsday. even with Sinestro's ring... like i said. Kyle is the best GL. but they need to bring back the O.G. Kyle costume.
  14. a Max -1S would own.
  15. Kyle will always be the better GL. to hell with Stewart, Jordan and Gardener. plus, he is (or was) banging Jade.
  16. anyone who likes the TT show and the JL show should read the Outsiders and Teen Titans comics. great stuff written by Judd Winick and Geoff Johns, respectively. awesome reads, well worth the money.
  17. according to a commercial i saw, if it last for more than 4 hours, seek medical attention. thanks for the over-share....
  18. well at least they got rid of that silly ass metallic paint.
  19. whats next? G.I. Joe gonna come home from Iraqi Freedom to find his old lady banging the mailman??!!! alas, the things war does to men.... ....he told the bastard he'd shoot but he didn't believe him! why wouldn't he believe him?!!
  20. that rocks. great job!
  21. oh man. that is gonna kick ass. looks pretty sweet!
  22. Lucy and Ishtar.... b00bz!!11
  23. kinda looks like a Patlabor Ingram head to me....
  24. you'd have to wait until your best friend got a God Complex and turned into a Gelatinous blob of flesh and technology...
  25. anyone this weeks Chappelle show? Rick James: "Charlie Murphy, what did the five fingers say to the face? SLAP!!! Cold Blooded!! I'm Rick James, Bitch!!" funny stuff.... best one ever: I AM the Supervisor!!
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