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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. it can't be any worse than the prison violation that is the Original Dune Movie. that movie was terrible. The Book(s) deserve much better. hopefully Sci-fi will make a series of all of them....
  2. McFarlane should be putting Figures out of the Bebop's Crew. he did a Vash, A Tetsuo and a Kaneda, Akira, Tenchi....why not a Faye, Spike and a Jet.....?? especially Faye....
  3. an action star. i mean come on, how many of yesteryear's actors are considered Heroes??? maybe John Wayne Audie Murphy, because he actually was. but thats about it.
  4. Wouldn't we all... Speaking of that, is there going to be another one soon? Brian Singer not only has plans for a new X-men, but is going to be writing an arc for the Ultimate(IIRC) Xmen comic books. he sure will be. right after Brian K Vaughn (Y:The Last Man) has his shot at it. in the latest Wizard, Singer says he has plans to include at least Gambit (yay!!) and Beast (Eh...) in the new flick. i hope Remy gets a chance to Player Hate on Bobby.... as to my earlier question, Hellboy made a first colored appearance in John Bryne's Next Men.... ...not that anyone cares....
  5. just for fun, anyone know where Hellboy made his first full color appearance? this is sure to stump some of you!!
  6. they need to make ZOE2 into a movie i wonder why.....
  7. Don't forget their ever-useful welding unit. It's the welder that makes the marine, really. However, I wouldn't be surprised if they're waiting to use the Colonial Marines in a possible sequel. how could i forget??!!! maybe in the sequel, the marines will finally have them Sharp sticks Hudson was talking about.
  8. looks okay. my problem with this flick? No United States Colonial Marines with M41A Carbines, Flamethrowers or Smart Guns. GIVE US WHAT WE WANT FOX!!!
  9. well, i got a small AF, with only 2: -1J max and -1A max (1/60). But my UN Marines -1A (1/48 Low Vis) was more than bad ass enough to make up for 'em.
  10. i like the design, especially the Gun Pod. looks like the A-10's gun. did this one ever make an appearance in the series?
  11. no, its not rinoa. i think its the chick from FFVII. looks good though, EXO.
  12. last week, i spent 250.00 on a bunch of William Britain's Civil War Miniatures. these things kick so much ass.
  13. this one goes in the Other Anime/ Sci-fi section, Tank.
  14. that kicks ass. good job man!!
  15. Alien Resurrection..... enough said. this movie you speak of does not Exist. the last Alien Movie came out in 1986. I am looking forward to this movie, i guess. i liked the show alright.
  16. Another robbery. SPR is also one of my favorite films and a serious contender for any top ten list. the fact that Fight Club got nothing pissed me off to no end.
  17. speaking of reading, I'm about 100 pages away from the end of Chapterhouse. awesome. i think that the last two (Heretics and Chapterhouse) were definately my favorites along with the original.
  18. can anyone translate the stuff about the ZOE Mecha on page 2 for me? i see Anubis and the Vic Viper, anything about Jehuty??
  19. the Tessa outfit would be AWESOME. so would Emma's old school White Queen outfit. hell, any of the outfits she made famous would be awesome....
  20. bah, the 1/24 line is gonna blow all of them out of the water.
  21. i want Ultra Posable Rogue, Emma Frost and Psylocke figures..... ....er, because they'd look cool....
  22. Master and Commander was a great movie. it got robbed for anyone who hasn't, Read Patrick O'Brian's books.
  23. maybe its just an automated system. the laser moves back as the landing gear is coming out.
  24. whatever it is, people will still bitch and moan about how its either not anime accurate, not enough die-cast or too expensive. but i would like to see all of the above...
  25. thats not Millia, thats a man, baby.
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