Cruel my man... LOL.
I actually don't have a tatoo, I did however brand myslef. On my left shoulder I have my fraternity letters branded. It took 5 pieces to finish the letters, "Sigma Phi Epsilon."
Each piece was white hot and pressed into my flesh for 2 full seconds (any longer and they would have burned through the skin and gone into the muscle tissue). The thing hurt but I think it is way cooler than any tatoo.
HELL YEAH!! I have my Fraternity Letters branded too!! i ain't gonna lie, it hurt, but its pretty unique. it shocks the hell outta people when they see it....
AWESOME! I love the look on people's faces when they see it. Refresh my memory, what Fraternity are you a member of?
I know we have a few greeks on the board. Devin (Blue Rose custom toy guy) is a Theta Chi from Berkeley, I just can never remember what chapter anyone else was in.
Agent ONE, i'm Sigma Lambda Beta from Texas A&M.
just out of curiosity, i had another guy tell me we had to peel the scabs to get the letters to puff up, and i did this (which hurt like a mad bastard)....did you? and did your brand puff up or heal flat?