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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. 1. I'm not rich 2. my parents didn't send me to school. FAFSA paid my education. 3. Agent ONE is right. people need to stop watching bullshit movies about Fraternities and thinking thats how it is. its not. Popularity contest? Buying friends? I had friends before going into my frat, but i am still closer with my Frat Brothers than anyone else. anyone who believes that you can buy friends has a hard time making them.
  2. Cruel my man... LOL. I actually don't have a tatoo, I did however brand myslef. On my left shoulder I have my fraternity letters branded. It took 5 pieces to finish the letters, "Sigma Phi Epsilon." Each piece was white hot and pressed into my flesh for 2 full seconds (any longer and they would have burned through the skin and gone into the muscle tissue). The thing hurt but I think it is way cooler than any tatoo. HELL YEAH!! I have my Fraternity Letters branded too!! i ain't gonna lie, it hurt, but its pretty unique. it shocks the hell outta people when they see it.... AWESOME! I love the look on people's faces when they see it. Refresh my memory, what Fraternity are you a member of? I know we have a few greeks on the board. Devin (Blue Rose custom toy guy) is a Theta Chi from Berkeley, I just can never remember what chapter anyone else was in. Agent ONE, i'm Sigma Lambda Beta from Texas A&M. just out of curiosity, i had another guy tell me we had to peel the scabs to get the letters to puff up, and i did this (which hurt like a mad bastard)....did you? and did your brand puff up or heal flat?
  3. as long as the hussein brothers don't come back moaning "STARS!" i think we'll be okay...
  4. Cruel my man... LOL. I actually don't have a tatoo, I did however brand myslef. On my left shoulder I have my fraternity letters branded. It took 5 pieces to finish the letters, "Sigma Phi Epsilon." Each piece was white hot and pressed into my flesh for 2 full seconds (any longer and they would have burned through the skin and gone into the muscle tissue). The thing hurt but I think it is way cooler than any tatoo. HELL YEAH!! I have my Fraternity Letters branded too!! i ain't gonna lie, it hurt, but its pretty unique. it shocks the hell outta people when they see it....
  5. Kim looked hot as hell with Brown Hair. she should stay that way....
  6. Johnny Ridden actually has a Manga side story. he fought and disappeared during the one year war.
  7. Feh. Steven Grant > Garth Ennis bah! Blasphemy!! Ennis has done a great job with this character! anyone who ever even remotely liked Frank should check out Born, the Ennis Miniseries of Frank's last days in 'Nam. Ennis also did some awesome work with Vertigo's War Stories. Archangel, Reavers and Screaming Eagles were my faves!!!
  8. IGN said about a week ago that there is something extra at the end of the credits...any truth to this??
  9. we have to wait for a huge space ship to crash land in the Pacific before we can do that....
  10. Only if I could put them in front of an Allied firing squad though. no way, War criminals get the Gallows! only hanging deaths for them!! a firing squad is a soldiers death!
  11. you should read the X-men comics they put out these days. Wolverine is like a multiple man clone. he some how appears in ever X-book and guest stars in most of Marvel's other books. hell, Ultimate X-men had almost 6 issues of Wolvie and Spidey, but no X-Men.... Yet Gambit still gets no props....
  12. I want there to be a clone saga movie.... Marvel's worst. idea. Ever....
  13. i suggest we Nuke Yamato and Big West from orbit. Its the only way to be sure....
  14. Crom Laughs at your questioning this thread
  15. As Cory Mentioned, there was a third, older clone, Solidus who Raiden takes out at the end of MSG 2.
  16. i have a lot of respect for John McCain, but i think its a bad move....
  17. Michelle Gessler could have used those Hazmat guys help a few weeks back....
  18. Thanks for the info Hurin, now I have a clearer picture. Anasazi also offers stickers.
  19. *LOL* At first I didn't know what you meant by that comment. Looks like the website doesn't allow external image linking. BTW, DA's female cast is choice! Yes... I likes the idea of Elisha Cuthbert in that tight red suit. And that Yumi chick is... well... yummy!!! ^ __ ^ two words every cast should include: JESSICA BIEL!!!
  20. Mike Mignola acknowledges Lovecraft in the Seeds of Destruction TPB dedication, so not too far off. a great read, as is Wake the Devil, Conqueror Worm, et al....hopefully he will get back to doing more work now that the movie is done...although the BPRD mini that is out right now is pretty good.
  21. just got back from seeing this one, and i loved it. funny, lots of action and an awesome story. for anyone who likes the movie, check out the Hellboy Trade Paperback collection, and the 25 cent "The Corpse" story that has been in comic shops for about 2 weeks now. awesome stuff...
  22. damn, that is some great work! Good Job!
  23. Born, living in, and plan to die in San Antonio, TX. Texas, Best State in the Union!!!
  24. LSB, those things kick ass man. good work.
  25. they have chainsaws.... maybe they will finally say what happened with Rebecca, Billy and Ada...at least Leon's back...
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