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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. if any of yall haven't picked up the new Superman/Batman books with Michael Turner, they are worth it, with Jeph Loeb Writing.... Turner is bringing back Supergirl..... ...And his Princess Diana (Wonder Woman) is absolutely gorgeous just to add, i am not a huge Alex Ross fan. sure he does awesome work, but he hates Kyle Raynor as Green Lantern...
  2. YUP! I think he started to lose it during his WildCATS stint. His Omega Red arc was probably his best looking book. I like Lee's Superman, but hes done great work since Wildcats. he did a pretty awesome Run on Gen 13 and the Divine Right Miniseries. the man just kick ass.... ....mmmm....Jim Lee's Caitlin Fairchild....
  3. So would a Dreadnought....
  4. i think ELINT is short for Electronic Intelligence, which is what a modern AWACS does, and so does the VE-1...Plus it sounds cool...
  5. Hey all, have any of yall seen or own any of these Warhammer 40K statues? they seem pretty cool, and the sculpts look great... Heres where i saw them.. Sideshow Toys Space Marine Listing also, anyone order from these guys before? thanks for any info!!
  6. damn, so Y:The Last Man is becoming a Reality!!! p.s. you should all read that book!!
  7. because it kinda sounds cool.
  8. They could be paving the way for more MPC Veritechs... something with strike cannons, maybe... Maybe Robotech Plus Veritechs are soon to follow! <sarcasm> Who wants their MPC Sam Dalton YF-19?? (aka: Isamu Dyson) </sarcasm> lets hope they don't get their hands on M7...they could make it even worse.....
  9. Ken's a girl? And she looks like she got her boobies clamped....... Ken is a Girl, and if you mess around on one of the levels enough, she loses the flight suit....
  10. A Dixie valk would rock....but it might look too much like a low vis, with so much Grey...
  11. I LOVED this game. for two reasons mainly..... 1. Jehuty 2. KEN!!! The Game was awesome, and I loved the mods you could get on Jehuty. the story was great. i was kinda hoping for a third game....with more KEN!!!
  12. I've always wanted to do a Union Valk, kinda borrowing aspects of an American Civil War Union Cavalry soldiers uniform, Blue body, with gold trim, white hands and Black Legs, and Rank Designation on his upper arms/shoulders..... ...yeah, it sounds kinda dumb, but i love those old uniforms, and think it would be awesome. too bad i have no Skillz....
  13. Yep, there are a lot of differences between the SHE & Yamato YF-19, they are far from the same beast: - Yamato has landing gear, SHE does not. Yamato's gunpod can attach in fighter mode, SHE's cannot. The rear of the lower leg of the SHE has a complicated 'Origami' type folding design. The Yamato does not have this. The SHE has a correctly sculpted canopy shape, The canopy on the Yamoto is the wrong shape and features a rounded lower edge, instead of the correct straight lines and angles. The Yamato has that annoying triangular shape gap in fighter mode where the nose hinges, the SHE does not. Due to dispensing with the folding lower leg mechanism, the shoulders on the Yamato sit far too high in fighter mode, making it less sleek than the SHE. Graham which begs the question, will these deficiencies be solved in the eventual Resculpt? ???
  14. not me. saving money for more 1/48 and my new William Britain's obsession....
  15. that thing is damn sweet.
  16. yes, but it serves the will of the undying emperor...
  17. If i was an Ork, i know what Marines i'd go after first. these guys need to watch out for the inquisition, or they might have their souls devoured by the Emperor or declared heretics!!!
  18. Kim should have left the wig on. i'm also thinking theres some kind of vaccine or cure for the virus. they knew Michelle would not get infected....how?
  19. Second, its just unfinsihedd business thats been echoing in my head since I was a kid. What the hell happened to everyone, I loved so much? :/ Also, I remember someone asking about this 2 years ago on this board, and since then its been the same answer. No. Maybe the reason some people ask so much is because its like the relationship with a foster child.. Just who are my real parents, and where are they now. Maybe the fans just want to be reunited with the rest of the family or at least know if they're dead. they're dead! Besides the Froating Head said he will never say what happened. Me, i'd like to see more Isamu. maybe some more Max and Millia. no more Basara, though.
  20. Mononoke Hime kicks ass. hell, i even like the english Dub...
  21. I'm Psyched for this thing. pretty cool i think. maybe smaller size = somewhat more affordable, which is not to say a 1/60 would not own....
  22. 1. The Sulaco 2. The Authority's Carrier 3. those Warships from ZOE2 4. the Strike Cruisers from Star Wars: Rebellion 5. the old school StarJammers ship from X-men.
  23. thats pretty sweet. damn i wish i had resin Skillz...
  24. anyone who has not tried out the Marvel Knights 4 title really should. Sue Richards has never been more beautiful. good book, good characterizations....
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