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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. yep, More Eliza Dushku is always a great thing....
  2. Not I!! BN.com has the book for 30% off with their pre order...
  3. yeah, but at least Turner can draw feet. something Liefeld cannot seem to master.
  4. I agree. Fight Club and Snatch were great movies with Pitt....
  6. I Like when Jenny Sparks and the Authority went out into Space and Electrocuted "god's" brain... ...IN this case, god was an ancient organism that created Earth, but never intended it to be used by humans... "Earth is Under New Management!!"
  7. i have my Anime Porn backed up in triplicate....USB drive, CDR, Zipped....so no matter what happens, i'll always have that.... J/k BTW.... ....
  8. Some one did a UN Marine Green paint scheme on thier FP's. it looked awesome.
  9. a Gouf/ Gouf Flight would kick ass as well...
  10. yep, thats true. i got some custom stickers made with my name and number (86!!) and put them on my low vis. as Far as FAST packs, it just makes it look cool....
  11. Looks like Link is Ready to beat that ass in that pic....WW was cool, and i will be happy withe either style.
  12. don't see it for HHH....See it for Jessica Biel!!!
  13. Because on Anime Network, the RT showings won't be followed by Stanley Spadowski's Playhouse... ...."Rick Hunter, you get to drink....FROM THE FIREHOSE!!!" btw, i'm in San Antonio, TX, and we don't have AN here.
  14. I thought Wonder Woman there looked particuarly Danger Girl-ly, too, actually. Duh me, since Campbell's worked on both titles... and guess it's the "in" style being emulated now. -Al you'd be surprised. it seems DC and Marvel were moving away from the T&A '90s, but Turner is bringing it back. the X-women (If you don't count Emma Frost) have toned down on the boobage. i can only think of two titles being drawn this way, which would be Birds of Prey (which is an awesome book) which is drawn by Ed Benes, a Gen 13 artist back in the day, and Turner's Aspen/ Superman-Batman books. Campbell needs to come back and do more work, though, as i have always been a fan.
  15. [Tyrone Biggums] Uh, may I suggest some rocks?[/Tyrone Biggums]
  16. b-a-d-o-n-k-a-d-o-n-k J.J. oooh....Thats Junk in the Trunk.... I Echo Agent ONE's post above....
  17. Come to think of it, a J. Scott Campbell run on wonder woman would kick ass. I agree.....he was my favorite IMAGE penciler. I stopped collecting En 13 when he stopped doing the artwork. then may i suggest picking up the Danger Girl Trade Paperback. good stuff from J. Scott Campbell....
  18. its not hendrix. its NBA superstar Ben Wallace....
  19. thats just asking the guy to rip the couch into shreds, use the spings to gouge his eyes out and hang himself with the couch fabric....
  20. nope. but i think thats a good thing.
  21. Come to think of it, a J. Scott Campbell run on wonder woman would kick ass.
  22. Yep. thats what i'm talking about....
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