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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. there are a few times that i am pretty sure i have been...
  2. how about a Millia Statue??
  3. these new titles are interesting. what are the post counts for the different levels?
  4. i have the Ex-S and the MkII and they are both pretty nice. just waiting for Bandai to get an Ez-8 FIX and a Gouf Flight Zeonography out there and i'll be set...
  5. i liked pitch black, so i guess i'll be checking this one out.
  6. In no small part due to Sean 'too cool to be British' Bean I'll agree with this. Sean Bean kicks ass. even as a cossack.
  7. Jessica Alba Nude is box office gold. crap, i'll see the movie 50 times to see that. seriously, Frank Miller kicks ass on these books, and i can't wait.
  8. sorry man, but Hal coming back bites. no lasting consequences what so ever. i hope DC brings Barry back and give Barbara Gordon her legs back. i guess it was inevitable, but DC had better not shaft Kyle over. plus, lets see Guy Gardener get a ring back... There hasn't been a good JLA since Grant Morrison left the book. maybe he'll go back to it since hes with DC now....
  9. i saw this one today as well. it was okay enough. the chicks were tight. Helen of course was supposed to be good looking, but so was Briseis and Andromache. i agree with Uxi, Paris should have died, and Helen should have gone back. Plus Agamemnon doesn't die. I did like the inclusion of Aeneas in the story. i think Sean Bean keeps getting shafted. he should play bigger parts in movies.
  10. love the VB-6, but that Sulaco model kicks ass...
  11. uh...Yes? but seriously, anyone who doesn't want the over produced version of the trilogy will buy it again.
  12. Thanagarians invading Earth. Great stuff. Especially the GL/Hawkgirl/HG's old flame. they were always great characters....too bad DC went back to Carter Hall and away from Katar Hol, who i think was a much better character. Hawkworld is still one of my favorite books ever. I think they just wanted to keep it simple... The Hawk Orign has always been confusing as hell. oh yeah. big time. anytime you mess with people from teh JSA, origins get confusing.
  13. hell yeah, i saw this last night, and damn it was hilarious. great stuff.... the part i liked was the Knights segment... " We are chasing a white bronco!"
  14. Drake's da man! "Hello, I am David Palmer, and I've approved the following message:" Don't forget David Palmer's. NEW (and highly approved) message. you got the two best parts of the season right there
  15. Thanagarians invading Earth. Great stuff. Especially the GL/Hawkgirl/HG's old flame. they were always great characters....too bad DC went back to Carter Hall and away from Katar Hol, who i think was a much better character. Hawkworld is still one of my favorite books ever.
  16. or Michelle....maybe all three at once...
  17. Yep, Lucas seems to have found a way to rip off the Legolas scene from the Two Towers and try to outdo it. well since that trilogy has out done ( So Far anyway, but how much can it change with one installment left?) Lucas' new Trilogy, i guess he has to do something to try and turn the tide...
  18. my only bitch with the Justice League is John Stewart. Kyle Raynor had been established in the Animated universe ( IN the Superman AS). why go fo Stewart? it seems his characterization is only Batman with a power ring. other than that its a great show. next year, even more characters are supposed to make it in, so that should be good....
  19. maybe its time for a happy ending for a 24 season... ....Yeah i doubt it too. but Wayne and David look pretty distraught when they learned that bitch was dead. i have no idea why. Jack, Tony and Michelle on the run would be bad ass too though. a Rogue Cell of AntiTerroist operators would kick ass.
  20. yeah, didn't Fox do the same thing with Aliens?
  21. DAMN WHAT A GREAT SHOW!! this episode was a great one, i can't wait for next tuesday! SPOILERS Jack is a Bad Ass. i mean i knew this, but damn, when he was gonna throw Saunders daughter in the hotel to die, Saunders knew Jack would do it. i love the thought of the various agencies taking those terrorists out...the SF guy was shot in the head!! the one thing that Pissed me off was, yeah the Terrorists had GPS on them, but did it ever occur that Saunders would lie about what this Raven fellow looked like? looks like the Finale is gonna kick ass. Best moments of this Ep: Fox knocking Sherry the F**k out! Julia doing something David should have done a long time ago!! the whole Saunders Daughter in the Hotel thing was great. shitty moments: 20 years!! the man got shot in the neck! i can't believe they are gonna screw Tony like this, but i bet David pardons him or something. well, at best he can hope for Conjugal visits at Leavenworth....
  22. mmm....Flight Suited Misa and Millia....
  23. holy crap, that thing is freaking AWESOME. great work, Spiff.....that kicks so much ass....
  24. good work, Man. awesome figure. can't wait for more builds!!
  25. mmm....Nice Jill. how about a Claire and Rebecca? oh well... maybe in RE3: the search for more money.
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