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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. so, does the mighty Ez-8 make it on to this one??
  2. Bleh. None of those mutants are a match for Super Dimensional Fortress Sharon Apple. She would come back and zap them all with her main gun, then have hot lesbian cybersex with the Pheonix/Jean Grey. Then together they'd fly off into the universe, where some say they prospered in dry goods. thats the best reply EVAR!!!111 and with that, i think we can give Jim Lee his next assignment: Pheonix/Sharon Apple Lez Fest 2005!
  3. as to why Jim Lee Kicks ass....
  4. the Yuki jet has Isamu and Roy on the ropes, then Gambit, Nightcrawler and Jean Grey of the X-men, along with GL John Stewart and Firestorm come and kill them both, only to be surprised by Gen 13 and Tara Chase from Queen and Country. what a one sided victory.
  5. ah the fun of Pre-Crisis DC continuity....
  6. His finger is his safety. When I get home people 'll ask me, "Hey Isamu, why do ya do it man? Why? Just some posting junkie?" Ya know what I'll say? I won't say a goddamn word. Why? They won't understand. They won't understand why we do it. They won't understand that it's about the posts next to you, and that's it. That's all it is.
  7. Hoot from Black Hawk Down would own both their asses.... ....Oh wait, Hoot=Hector=Hulk
  8. amen. I'd also make a plea to the moderators to possibly close this topic before it gets any further out of hand good ideas from both of yall!!
  9. on one hand, i don't know if it could be worse than the first one. on the other, it is possible.
  10. why would HG do something like that!???? they would obviously do "To Be In Love"...
  11. please God, please, No Reba West.
  12. heres my Low Vis.... the UN Marines stickers and 086 aircraft number are from Devin (Anasazi37)...
  13. yeah it does. so does the Low Vis and Up. good luck, and enjoy!!
  14. Sweet! according to Stephen King's Website, theres gonna be a Talisman movie in 2005! does anyone know if theres a way to get the british covers somewhere?
  15. thankee big! he has not forgotten the face of his father...
  16. well, i saw this tonight and happened to think it was a bleh season ending. SPOILERS So they find the virus..... things i didn't like 1. is CTU so dumb they let a grieving woman carry a loaded weapon past a suspect? c'mon people! 2. how did one man with a knife take out two LAPD...were they not paying attention? 3. after all that crap, Palmer calls it quits? Without pardoning Tony??? 4. Tony, of course, gets the shaft. things i liked 1. Jack didn't get whacked. His damn nose didn't start bleeding in the truck, which is what i thought would happen. i'm sorry to say, this is definately the weakest of the 3 seasons, even without Kim being threatened by some kind of mountain lion. but its still better than most of the crap out there....
  17. i'm gonna have to agree....
  18. What's a liter? The best solution to rising gas prices is to buy a car that doesn't use so much damn gas. There are a lot out there, but people don't want to give up their SUVs and yet still complain. Hybrids are the solution! 44 miles a gallon can't be beat! (at least i think thats what they run). the only down side is they are more expensive than reg cars...
  19. Halle Berry's b00bz go a long way to making a movie great. but c'mon, Deeds sucked. Waterboy was 100 times better.
  20. well, HHH is coming out in the new Blade movie, so theres one Steroid user on film....
  21. awesome. the guy has skillz.
  22. nah, it would be too contemporary if a Character named Paris was a dumb, rich floozie or the guy singing at Fiona's ball sang like William Hung. i think it'll stand up. better than any of the uber shitty Scary Movie flicks, anyway.
  23. eh, i'll wait for the Far Side movie. probably WAY better....
  24. thats pretty awesome Anubis. that thing looks great. thanks for the Fanservice...
  25. quite the opposite. they came in towards the end. after the credits had started rolling. the different homages/parodies to Spiderman and LOTR were great at the beginning....
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