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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. Cartoon network needs to make a Legion of SuperHeroes show.
  2. ahem.... Cooke: You scared mother&*^%er? Well you should be because this green beret is going to kick your ass. Matrix: I eat green berets for breakfast. And right now I'm very hungry Cindy: I can't believe this macho bullshit!!
  3. she made a brief comeback.....
  4. the best thing about that is that McFarlane is coming out with a Erin Figure in the next movie maniac line (with Robocop and US Colonial Marine Hicks). this Erin figure will be added to the alter in my house, and surrounded by flowers and candles....
  5. Jessica Biel = Great movie... too bad the Freddie Prinze Jr = Bad movie nullifies her hotness... This one I'll gladly see. But I think, a spinoff series is a bad idea. Spinoffs usually lose their spin as movies. Hopefully she'll keep doing action flicks. Maybe something with giant robots... yeah, but oh my friggin God was the bathing suit part of that movie AWESOME. hot damn. soaking wet, in a Bikini.....that can't be beat. As previously noted, Ms. Biel would be great in any number of other roles: Jessica as Sydney Savage in Danger Girl (seeing her in Leather and with a whip would be the best thing ever) Jessica as Caitlin Fairchild in a Gen 13 movie Jessica as Wonder Woman in a JLA/WW movie. As for Spinoffs....one can wait an see.
  6. She's human. She's Abigail Whistler; Abraham Whistler's daughter. Whistler raised Blade to be a vampire hunter and his daughter is one to. A HOT vampire hunter...
  7. at least it isn't an ogre making out with a mermaid...
  8. so it is she who cannot be named....long has it been since this good place has seen her particular brand of BS. and longer may the days be too.....
  9. AGH!!! yes its a JLA?DCU story, but the way Waid had Bruce/Batman's attitude was down. the scene in the diner is classic... Waitress: can i get you something to drink? Clark: Milk Diana: Water Bruce: Coffee, and keep it coming.... nice. and the new costume bruce is sporting is awesome!! Year one is good, so is the Cult. someone told me Long Halloween was good too, but i haven't read it...has anyone???
  10. i kinda like this idea....
  11. I knew it looked like the Miller version - cool post Limbo. Any of you guys claiming to actually like Batman really have to read Dark Knight Returns. Easily the best Batman story ever told, IMHO. yep, it sure is. but Kingdom come is right up there with it.
  12. Jessica Biel = Great movie...
  13. nope. not even a bit. it may, however lead to a nightstalkers spinoff, which would be good for everyone since it means more Jessica Biel!!!!
  14. i don't know....but what i do know is that i would pay 150,000 USD for a 1/1 Millia with perfect articulation and accurate anatomy. so when Yamato makes this product, everyone remember that Isamu Atreides kept you from getting that 1/1 Millia for 5 USD.
  15. Well. I just Finished the Song of Susannah. two words: Holy crap. SPOILERS!!! Cry Pardon....... This one takes place almost entirely in our World, the real world, or as Eddie says, Anti-Todash. this world is for keeps. Susannah, since the end of WOTC, has been taken over by Mia, Daughter of none, Mother of One, and she is in 1999 NYC to turn herself over to the Low Men and Vampires (and i guess Mutants) of the Crimson King. needless to say, the Ka-Tet of 19 trys to stop her, but somehow theres a mistake and Eddie and Roland go to 1977 Maine to get Cal Tower to sign off the rose lot in NYC, which is the link to the tower, and Jake and Callahan go to 1999 to find Susannah. Zaniness ensues. this was a pretty good book, although i liked WOTC better. we finally find out who and what Mia is and what and who is the Father of Mia's chap....for anyone who read it, i think its pretty shocking. we also get a beter glimpse into what happened to the End-World before the world moved on. I have to admit, i was a bit pissed at the way King wrote himself into the end of WOTC, but i think he redeemed himself, and its pretty clever....is he God? maybe...or maybe, i think hes like Alain and Jake, strong in the touch and sees the other side of the doors. now,for the big one....Mia's chap is born! Mordred! what a great name for and Evil ass kid!! But i have a question....is Susannah dead at the end? it sure seems like it. there was also some pretty heavy foreshadowing Eddie and Dinh Roland early on. All in all a great book. i can't wait until Sept 21, for book 7, Say Thankya. the Clearing at the end of the Path is near!!!
  16. Congrats, Graham!! now, all you and your lady need to do is come up with a Perfect transformation version with no Swing Bar!!! God Bless!!
  17. i have seen it. and i have watched it again, and again, and again, and again.... All Hail the Goddess, Jessica Biel !!! Damn, that girl is too Damn fine.
  18. With that attitude, you'll never make "commander." at this rate, i'll be lucky to be Lt. Isamu Atreides....
  19. dang....Squall 0wnz that soldier...
  20. i thought it was a custom Christina Aguilera Valk. Thank goodness i was wrong.
  21. not in the Jim Lee Version of the book. i honestly don't know about before that. they should have used Frank Miller's design from the Dark Knight Returns.
  22. nah, those Ultimate Badasses would never ride around in that POS.
  23. You don't buy that Bendis felt the title was done, that once the big secret was out, part of the mystery was gone? Cyc (who still wants to know about Jessica as Knightress...) yeah, but i think he could have done more with Jessica in the MAX line and not have her play second fiddle to Luke Cage and Ben Urich. she has her own stories to tell, and plenty of them i think.
  24. I live in San Antonio, TX, and there are at least 10 if not more local comics stores. they have expanded recently, into bigger buildings. maybe the SA environment is different and the Market is better here, but considering SA is a kinda secondary market ( Not NY, LA, Chi-town) i think its doing pretty good. i live down town and i have 5 in 10 min driving distance.
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