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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. theres only one Starship Troopers book, written by Robert Heinlein. check it out.... Starship Troopers at Barnes and Noble.com
  2. my only bitch with Gundam toys?? Not enough Ez-8's or Gouf Flight's
  3. LoL... one of the books I was hoping would show up in this thread. I mean... I like the old movie too, but it makes Paul out to be more poweful than he really was(like making it rain right then and there, where in the books the change on Arrakis took centuries, even after the death of Muad'Dib). The only thing that I really dislike about the Lynch film is the use of the sound weapons. The new miniseries was so much better. Amen. preach on!!! did you ever finish the books? i remember you were reading them, and last you posted, you were on Heretics....Lynch's movie was an abortion of what the source material was. Although Herbert liked the movie, i think he would be blown away by what SciFi did with the material, even as far as Dune Messiah and Children of Dune are concerned. i hope Scifi decides to go all the way to Chapterhouse with their series. and yeah, Paul was powerful, but not enough to make it rain. even after Leto II, God Emperor's Reign, Arrakis is still not completely green. Leto has his own Bleed to go and run about. and as fast as that happened, in Heretics, Arrakis is completely Arrid again, with the Worms even more savage, since Leto is contained in each one.... SST make more sense if its a Warhammer 40k movie and the imperial guards are fighting Tyranids. but yeah, the book blows it away.
  4. yeah, but in the comics, pete systematically beats the living poo out of his non-MetaHuman rogues and they still manage to come back around. Ex. The Vulture (who is and OLD MAN!!!), Mysterio, Shocker, hell, he even took on the Kingpin (who is a bad ass dude, for DD, but Kingpin is not a Meta). yeah, pete can smack Venom, Sandman, Electro, Carnage and Rhino all day and still not beat them, but he manages to do so anyways, so i guess it goes both ways.
  5. i think Big Bad Toy store has some. also, HLJ.
  6. Thats because SHE is all the movie has to offer. She is more than enough. all hail the Goddess!!!
  7. i really like what Bendis did with Venom's origin story. if you haven't checked out Ultimate Spiderman and the Venom story line, check it out. in that version, Peter's father and Eddie's Father were partners and were working on a replacement for the super soldier serum, and what they came up with was a suit of bio armor, which went crazy and took over eddie. overall, a better way to introduce it. as far as miss Biel as Tessa, hell yeah!!! with Elisha Cuthbert as Emma Frost, that would kick ass!!!
  8. Doc Connors had one arm in the comic. He was working on cell regeneration. Many herps have the ability to regenerate lost limbs. i know!!!!! that means for Spidey 3 or 4, maybe the Lizard.... and Eddie Brock was mentioned in 1, so maybe Venom..... but, i want some Felicia Hardy, AKA, the Black Cat....maybe starring miss Biel??
  9. are you talking about Lament of Innocence? if so, i have it and its a pretty good game. i have had it for a while, but haven't been able to finish it yet. its WAY better than the N64 version, if thats what you're wondering. check it out, though.
  10. i saw it, and it was great, probably better than the first. the highlight of this movie for me was of course, the Blade Trinity trailer. awesome. but thats not to say the movie wasn't great. it was!!! hopefully the cash machine this thing has become will make Kirsten reconsider, because i love her in these movies. yeah, they could have done a couple of things better, but its still one of the best movies i have seen this or last year (WAY better than DD or the Hulk, and maybe about equal with X2). Jonah stole a few of the scenes, and that was great, Aunt May was tragic, but graceful, Dr. Conners only had one Arm (!), all is right in the world!!again, it was a great movie, go see it, even if for the Alex Ross drawings (i think!!!)!!
  11. Hell, hopefully she'll pose closer to the time the new Blade flick comes out. Bow before the goddess!!!
  12. AGH! he beat me to it!!! Maybe Jessica Alba could be her RIO.....the possibilities are endless!!!
  13. OH YEAH!!! well, maybe she could still be Black Cat in Spidey 3. shes definately got the body for it.
  14. well, bendis said he would never use them in his Ultimate spiderman books, but first Venom makes an appearance, and now Carnage has showed up. much better stories than in the regular marvel universe. As far as old Tony vs. young Tony, marvel will go young, i think. the movies that they are making are more along the ultimate line, with young characters in modern times,as opposed to 1960's when they were created. did you really want to see college professor Peter Parker, and his Wife Mary Jane? Or for that matter, Scott Summers and Jean Grey with their 1 (Rachel Summers) or possibly 2 (Nathan Summers, AKA Cable) Children ?? by making the characters young in the films, it allows for trimming of uneccesary continuity (Gwen Stacy, anyone??). i would put money on a young Tony Stark for now.
  15. yep, she sure is!!! i think they were waiting for Alias to wrap for the Elektra movie to get going....
  16. yeah, i agree. the Elektra is hideous. i did, however, like the Rogue figure that was included in the X-Men Boxed set. it looks pretty nice, i guess maybe because her jacket covers all the ugly articulation points.
  17. they're nice, i think, but i can't see buying them. 25.00 for statues? even nice ones? hell McFarlane makes a mean statue figure, but they only cost 10.00. Articulation and guns would make them better. Marvel Legends articulation would make them kick ass....
  18. and more "years".....1/1 Millia
  19. they should have put my lady on there. it would have been way more effective.
  20. I don't read Green Arrow but having a green boxing glove on the end of the arrow is just stupid. in the new series (which started out being written by Kevin Smith), the boxing glove is done away with. so, ollie isn't in to the glove thing anymore...
  21. i hope at least for this one, the lead character (if its a dude) will be wearing pants the whole time, unlike the first one....
  22. i might check this one out. hes writing Astonishing X-men right now, and I am liking that one so far. i still need to catch up on the series though.
  23. now that Jade has given Kyle Rayner the boot, i guess thats possible. Outsiders is a great book, BTW. really worth a read. True, but I felt it could have been done in a much better way. The way it was handled in Green Lantern made her look trampy. Then again, the way the way the Green Lantern title was handled for the past few months before Homecoming weren't to my liking anyway. But it's a moot point to argue about since it's getting cancelled. Meh. I like Hal (look at the Avatar), but I liked him better as this dead ideal. But yes, Outsiders is a good book. i think i am one of the very few who liked Hal as the Spectre. i hope DC doesn't do anything lame like bringing Jim Corrigan back or making Kyle the new spirit of vengence. Hal was tough, but i like Kyle as GL, with Guy as a close third. Stewart has to go.
  24. now that Jade has given Kyle Rayner the boot, i guess thats possible. Outsiders is a great book, BTW. really worth a read.
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