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Isamu Atreides 86

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Everything posted by Isamu Atreides 86

  1. i think you're forgetting Dazzler
  2. This is correct.
  3. yep, i remember when guys were getting shot over wearing a damn chicago bulls hat backwards. people always kill for the stupidest poo imaginable. PLEASE LEAVE THE POLITICAL BULLSHIT OUT OF THIS THREAD
  4. i loved Enemy at the Gates and Confidence. she was great in both of them. X3 would be great, if in going with the cosmic theme, the X-men get to fight the Shi'ar. they could really cut loose against these guys. see X-men 275-77(?) for some awesome battle scenes. i loved the way Jim Lee had Gambit emptying the whole deck into Gladiator's chest. absolutely awesome.
  5. if it weren't for all the f-bombs. [Meatwad]Fudge you [/Meatwad]
  6. I know you're just kidding but SS just got the Flash Gordon license.... I don't know, but isn't he just good for The Mummy sequels. Afterall, Van Helsing turned out mediocre at best. the Mummy and the Mummy returns kicked ass for one reason: Rachel Weisz. damn, thats a beautiful woman.
  7. the only way to give Rogue her old powers would be to introduce a Carol Danvers into the movie and have Rogue absorb her powers.
  8. Oh the Mods are gonna be out for blood for this and:[Outrageous French Accent] I don't want to talk to you, no more, you empty-headed animal, food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.[/Outrageous French Accent] yeah? YEAH? well YOU like veritechs! ooooh. i want in on this.... You prefer Reba West!!!
  9. he who complains of thirst shall be cursed with 40 days and nights of rain.
  10. dang, d00d!! j00 r l33t!!!11
  11. yep. that was absolutely terrible.
  12. every poor bastard that was issued a VF-1A with a brown paint scheme.
  13. Guillermo Del Toro was the guys name. he would be a good fit, but only if he is as enthusiastic about X3 as he was about Hellboy. plus, on that project, he had Mike Mignola's help on how to make things look and feel in the pic. as much as it would rock for someone like Chris Claremont to help out, Del Toro still would have to be pumped up about doing it to make it good.
  14. oh well, at least Spidey 3 will be good. hopefully, they will still include Gambit in X3.
  15. DMX should have been in this one. it could have been Alien 2 tha Predator. and in every fight scene, they could play "X gonna give it to ya!!"
  16. d00d! they're making Van Helsing 2??? t3h r0X0rz!!!111
  17. i vote for a tie between Target and Circuit city. last week, looking for ESPN NFL 2K5, both stores were complete asses in trying to help out. neither wanted to help me out, nor did they want to let me know when the game would be back in stock. when i asked for a damned raincheck, both stores refused to give one. to hell with them. i went to Best Buy, and they had the damned thing there. not a big deal for a 19.99 game, but damn it, i have spent some serious cash buying TV's, and other big ticket things there, it sucks to know it don't mean poo in the way they deal with you.
  18. This is MacrossWorld, that's why It just wouldn't be the same place if everyone were nice, polite, courtious, and didn't judge books (or movies) by first impressions Well after Dune and Starship Troopers gave us so much faith in hollywood to adapt sci-fi classics, i wonder why people would doubt the ability to do a nice send up of one. i liked this movie, but i still think they should have called it something different. like ROBOT SOLID SNAKE!!! As opposed to, say, the bastion of open mindedness that is RT.com??
  19. No Alphas = not a good game.
  20. aside form the animation style i dont tihnk futurama is anything like simpsons yep, because for however long Futurama was on, it was still funny. the Simpsons, i am sad to say, has lost it for me.
  21. Anne Hathaway should have been Rogue. she got robbed....
  22. you try getting groped by naked Billy Bob... eh, i'm not impressed. Angelina did it for a while and for free. i guess that puts her in the running for a nobel peace prize...
  23. i dunno, i just think after seeing monster's ball that it was undeserved. i didn't like it, and most people i have talked to agree, that it was an overrated performance.
  24. Trust me, you're saving yourself alot of pain with this plan. yep. ditch her. she was worthless in 1 and 2. concentrate on Wolvie, Scott, Jean, Bobby, Colossus, Rogue, and maybe (hopefully!!!) Gambit in X3. i've heard (unsubstatiated rumor) that she had a lot to do with how Catwoman ended up. with that undeserved oscar, her ego went through the roof, and if shes gonna jack up X3, ditch her and move on. if she comes back?? at least Spidey 3 will rock.
  25. Michael Bay?? George Lucas??
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