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Everything posted by gingaio

  1. Huh? I think you've got me confused with the other gingaio.
  2. Figured I'd save chowyunskinny the trouble this time.
  3. In case you haven't found out already, it's the latest (May) issue of Dengeki Hobby. A nice set of photos on the YF-21, but not much else that's Macross related.
  4. Crap, the guy's using the exact same username as me, and soiling the reputation of Macrossworld to boot! And scanning photos of Macross toys! What a freaking bastard!
  5. I believe that idiot over at TBDX scanned this. Can't remember his name, though...
  6. Depends on the part of the world he's in. But yeah, if he's in the US, then it's premature.
  7. The last time Bandai reissued Max/Miriya, they retailed for the same price as the other valks. It's just that they came at the end of the line, were produced in more limited numbers, and were snapped up by scalpers more so than the others. Don't see why Bandai would charge more for them this time (assuming they're reissued), unless you're buying from a place like Bigbadtoystore, which tends to be a bit more, uh, variable in its markup. BTW, the Japanese retail of 6550 is pretty much the same as it was the last time--the $90 you're quoting is BBTS's price, which is always a bit higher than what's out there (i.e., you can always look around for a better price).
  8. Yeah, with the grids. But I was also reminded of how amazing the original box art was. Man, I wish more companies used box art these days.
  9. Somewhere, Roger just popped a boner at reading this. "Economies of scale, mofos!" Oh, yeah, this will be the best veritech fighter toy ever made, way better than the stuff made by that Yamato company. Peace out.
  10. I couldn't agree more. (whoosh)
  11. Yeah, especially given that the word isn't totally outdated or out of popular usage or anything. I mean, on MTV, it's always, "Hobo this, hobo that." Seriously. No one says "retarded" anymore, for anything.
  12. Jenius, please stop, take a deep breath, and reread Eriku's and Roger's comments. Their point isn't about whether or not "hobo" or "retarded" offends you. Their point is that--Whoosh!--you don't seem to comprehend the current social context in which "retarded" is received and perceived. Especially in relation to people who are actually "mentally disabled." Oh, never mind...go back to raving about your alpha veritechs and nosecones.
  13. Yeah, the Children of Dune miniseries was surprisingly good. The ending was nice.
  14. That's funny, because the Merriam-Webster dictionary definition of imply is: "To involve or indicate by inference, association, or necessary consequence rather than by direct statement." Let me ask you something: Say you read Moby Dick and you say, "Moby Dick implies XXX." Is the book alone making the implication, or are you making an inference as to what Moby Dick is implying? Well, the book is an inanimate object and Melville's dead, so whatever is implied is based on a mutual relationship of what you're inferring and what's printed in the book. That's why I said (pretty much the same thing in my previous post) that these terms are not mutually exclusive and cut-and-dry.
  15. I think you're assuming those two things (implication/assumptions or inferences) are mutually exclusive and cut-and-dry. They aren't. If they were, there would be no need for scholarly debate in anything humanities-related.
  16. Yeah, I really don't kid around that much (you should see that post I made in response to Eugimon regarding grammar in that Toynami thread). Anyway, I was telling Roger about next season, but the truth is, I think there was some miscommunication. The whole "Is he really John Connor" question will be raised, but not answered. And yes, Derek Reese will meet another woman in hopes of impregnating her with a back-up Connor just in case John's not the real one (this kid will be raised and trained like John was). But it's not like Derek is "boinking everyone" (I think Roger, being a chronic masticulator, just got carried away). But yeah, the writers were huge fans of 90210 in the 90s (this explains why Brian Austin Green is still working). So that's why Tori Spelling (who recently had a comeback with her reality show) and Luke Perry (who hasn't had a comeback...yet) are going to be cast. If you look carefully, some of the furniture from the Peach Pit are scattered throughout Sarah Connor's house and backyard.
  17. Yeah, and one of the porked Sarah Connors will be played by Tori Spelling, from what I understand. Luke Perry has also been cast as the special terminator that'll be hunting them down.
  18. My last post on this thread, mods, I swear. And apologies for the inconvenience. Actually, I haven't really backtracked...I'm quite sure of what I've been saying. And I know exactly what you're goofing on me about. The "at the very least" phrase implies an "or." In other words, "This is what it means. [Or] at the very least..." So again, how did I equate "technically, yes" and "strongly implied" if I used an [implied] "or"? Then again, I sort of said the exact same thing in my last post. And actually, the main thrust of your argument isn't necessarily exclusivity, but about what is or can be. In other words, the mode of the phrasing (e.g., present, subjunctive, etc.) jenius's hypothetical example was: "He can murder, rape, and pillage all he wants." Your argument would work if the sentence were "He can murder if he wants." That's where your "potentiality" thing would kick in. But the "all he wants" makes the sentence more ambigious because of the declarative, present, active mode of the phrase, which suggests not only an action that could occur, but possibly one that has already been occurring. For example, if you said, "Joe can eat cake all he wants," wouldn't you assume that Joe has already eaten cake at least once? Why would he want to eat all this cake if he's had no experience with the food? As opposed to saying, "Joe can eat cake if he wants." It's a subtle distinction, but it's there. Anyway, as with all board debates, you're probably not going to see my point, so I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree.
  19. And I equated "stated" and "implied" where....? I know you're going to refer to my previous post, but please note that I used an "it is stated...or at the very least heavily implied" construction, not an "it is..the same as" construction. BTW, Eugimon, you eat cake every day, but you're not a cake eater. Jenius wrote: "Wait, does that just mean Gingaio's mother is Mexico?" Well, Jenius's mom is so dumb she thought "genius" was spelled "Jenius." Oh, SNAP! High five to myself! Whoo! And to whoever's moderating at this point: As Roger alluded to, I think we're all just goofing on each other (and each other's momma) in a fairly non-serious way, which, one might admit, is a nice break from the very serious and very much continuing "What if Aoshima worked with Toynami to set the price at and then calculated this and that and da-da-da...." posts. Or one might not admit that.
  20. "Eugimon's" momma is so fat she uses Mexico as a tanning bed.
  21. Well, yes, technically, that is what you would be calling him. At the very least, it'd be very strongly implied. If I said Roger can masturbate 58 times a day (and I know for a fact that he does...oh, yeah), then, um...yeah, I'd be calling him a chronic masticulator. This so reminds me of Clinton's "I smoked weed, but didn't inhale," line of reasoning. That's an understandable point, but I think what Roger, the chronic masticulator, is getting at is that for some people, sheer principle would prevent them from giving business to people they despise. That's pretty much his only point because I know Roger, being a chronic masticulator and an Apocalypse Now fan, doesn't have too many other ideas in his head.
  22. Rog, that pun is so bad it's Corey-esque. I salute you!
  23. LOL. You know what a sad time is for a Legioss/TREAD fan?...when there were no Legioss/TREAD toys being made. By anyone. FWIW, I have a problem with the screws used on the CMs Legioss. I prefer flathead screws, but I think they're going to use the other kind. Damn! Why, god, why?!
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