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Everything posted by gingaio

  1. Thanks for the pic, Saburo. Even though it looks a lot plainer in comparison to the Premium version, I would wager most collectors were more than happy with this version until the recent news. Things are always peachy until something better comes along.
  2. As much as I'm looking forward to the Premium edition, I know that as soon as it arrives on my doorstep, Bandai's going to announce its superbig joy-bringing DX version, because Bandai. As far as Macross items, I really only need the SDF-1 and DX valk that Bandai teased a while back. Won't need anything else.
  3. That makes sense. And thanks for the info. One last question...where do you guys typically order the Web exclusives? HLJ, Nippon Yasan, AmiAmi, others?
  4. I've been out of Macross collecting for a while, so the Premium Finish thing is news to me. Has the added Tampo detailing on the "Premiums" been clean and sturdy on the valks? Also, are we all going to have the privilege of paying, what--an extra $100 or so--for this?
  5. Wow. The added detailing does make quite a bit of difference...
  6. Ah, good memories. Remember picking up a Gakken Ride Armor (the large one) from Pony Toys LA for something crazy like $29.99. There was a bunch of old stock left, and this was sometime around the very early 90s. Mostly, w/r/t Books Nippan, I just remember the joy of American anime in its infance--Animerica, Mecha Press...along with anime VHS tapes that cost $29.99-$34.99 and held two episodes each...that I don't miss so much.
  7. Cool, thanks. The only reviews I've read/watched showed excessive amounts of force (connecting one side and then snapping in the other), so I'll be curious to see how it's done correctly.
  8. For those who have the original Yamato version, is it possible to remove the ARMDs once you get them on? I heard it's really tough to get them on in the first place.
  9. Great point. In a time when I just paid $200+ for a Skyfire (Fans Toys Phoenix) and am about to pay $350 for an FT Omega Supreme, and having paid what I paid for SOC Voltron...yeah, the original pricing for the Yamato SDF-1 seems almost quaint.
  10. Hey, Tekering--I always wondered how tall the 1:35 Gakken Legioss was. Do you happen to know? Thanks! (For some reason, I'm having a hard time finding a measurement on Google.)
  11. Found this this morning when I was looking up Gatchaman toys online: http://www.gokin.it/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4619 Can't seem to find much info on it at the moment, though.
  12. Not sure I'd like a perfectly anime-accurate Voltron. It'd look strange without the little lion legs, especially as the original toy design comprises most of the nostalgia I have for this character. That's why I'm leaning toward Bandai. Toynami's got the size, but the chunky-cat Bandai version looks more like an articulated update of the Popy DX. I'm not crazy about Toynami's stylized take. That, and Bandai's version comes with the individual lion weapons. Not crazy about fiddly things like the alternate-face gimmick, but Bandai's quality is usually solid.
  13. Indeed. If Evolution can make a solid toy, I'm willing to put all my idiosyncractic aesthetic preferences aside and support this line. CMs and Toynami already flubbed it. Hopefully, this won't be the third strike.
  14. Hope this comes to fruition. It's likely the one piece that'll require my buying a new piece of furniture just to display it. I've always preferred the SDF-1 in cruiser mode, so a table or something...
  15. Thanks very much for the info. Off to look for the renewal version, then!
  16. Hi--Was thinking about picking up a renewal version of the 1/60 YF-19, as I heard it comes with tighter joints/better QC. Is the box different as well? Did a Google search and some sites showed a different one and others showed the original. Thanks.
  17. Thanks, all. Hoping to pick up the TV Max (my favorite color/head scheme) and possibly the CF. Glad the design/QC kinks seem to have gotten worked out.
  18. Just wondering if anyone's had any shoulder problems with the 1/60 TV Max & Cannon Fodder.
  19. Yeah, my bad. I'm sure whatever he did to you or Danth or whoever on this board (devoted to adult toy fanatics) was very bad, like when Chong-Li beat up Jean Claude van Damme's brother in Bloodsport. Despite being Chong Li's #1 fan, I was totally rooting for Van Damme at that point.
  20. Hey, I totally agree. If someone said something mean to you a while back on a toy board, someone you've never met, someone whose opinion of you should mean absolutely zero, you should definitely hold a grudge and use any opportunity possible to dump on him--because it's only fair, it's TOY BOARD JUSTICE AND RETRIBUTION. My six-year-old nephew is more mature than this. Puh-leeze. I never called Roger a saint. I've never even met the guy. I just thought it was a jerk thing to say that came out of nowhere on a subject that had nothing to do with this Biggie-Tupac style grudge that apparently exists between Roger and some of you. Because frankly, I didn't know you guys were gangsta. A month from now, I'm not even going to remember that I posted on this thread, much less who else did.
  21. Why the unbridled hostility, man? Serious question here. Just curious. Is there something to be gained by being a jerk? From what I've read, the book project was cursed before it got off the ground--publishing's always been tough and has been getting tougher in the past few years...only way something this specialized would have made it was through a boutique/vanity press or self-publication. And even then, there'd probably have to be more than just pretty pictures to make a complete book, like interviews w/ designers, translations of text, thorough contextual/background information, a lot of substantive value-added stuff by the author. Maybe all that was there; maybe it wasn't. Who knows? We won't. Regardless, there's no need to go dumping on a guy for wanting to preserve a personal project. These were pictures given to him to do with as he liked. And apparently, he wanted to put together a book, but some unscrupulous people scanned and distributed the pics without his permission for...what, toy board glory? Don't see why that's so hard to understand.
  22. Just checked HLJ and they have the Max VF-1As as coming out before the Max VF-1S. Did I miss something? In any case, I hope they all have the shoulder pin fix--I might actually buy one of these new 1/60s.
  23. Dude, the movie (and graphic novel) pretty much addresses all of your points. miles316 wrote: Adrian did not create his plan "to save the world" he did this for his own ends he wanted power. It was his company that was rebuilding new York at the end of the movie. Profiting from all those no bid contracts from the government hell he probably owned half of New York. In the movie, he was explicitly telling the businessmen that he could buy them all three times over. Why would he be doing this, much less anything, for more money or power? In the comic, we're told he inherited a tremendous amount of wealth, then gave it up so he could rebuild it. Their are alternatives than building bombs and blowing up a bunch of cities. Adrian was supposed to be the smartest man in the world, and he could not have come up with a better plan than that. Apparently not. Or not when the world is on the brink of blowing up entirely, as opposed to a few cities here and there. This man was planing this for years he arranged to give cancer to three people that probably would have taken a couple of years and developing the infrastructure of his company not something some one can just pull out of his ass in the eleventh hour. This was premeditated... Yup. That was the whole point. Alternatives to blowing up a bunch of city's would be to neutralize the worlds nuclear arsenal not just the soviets. I'm not talking about destroying them in the air, but while they are still in their silos. With his powers DR Manhattan could appearer in the command and control bunkers of both sides disrupting communications between missiles and the command centers. After he disabled the weapons control networks he could go to the individual missile silos and transport the warheads in to space or transmute the uranium or plutonium in to lead or some other inert metal rendering them useless. This would remove the danger of nuclear war and send a terrifying message to the leaders of the world. At some point, you got to tell yourself, "It's a comic book." I'm sure Alan Moore would come up with an explanation for why this couldn't happen. I mean, why didn't Manhattan know that Adrian was planning all this? Tachyons! And even if Manhattan could disable all the nukes, that really was Adrian's point. It wasn't about disabling nukes, which can always be rebuilt. It was about changing people's mindsets and their willingness to nuke each other by giving them a taste of what a nuclear holocaust really means.
  24. Maybe because Nite Owl II is both a playa and a pimp, whereas Ozymandias is only a pimp. Saw the flick. It was a'ight.
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