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Everything posted by gingaio

  1. They jacked it up to about $170-180 about half an hour before the listing went live, IIRC. I think I saw the price go back and forth for a while, like they couldn't make up their minds how much to mark up.
  2. Thanks for the info. So it seems HLJ started actually accepting orders a short time after the listing popped up. Interesting...
  3. Just curious...what happened with HLJ? It looked frozen once the listing came up. Did it just start working normally 20 minutes later or something like that?
  4. If it didn't carry the risk of infecting you, I would totally give you a hug and a kiss right now, man. Thank you! I was watching another site so intently--and given that AJ usually lists things hours after the official start, and given that they didn't even offer Hikaru 1S--I didn't even think to watch AJ until later. And I didn't even realize I had been logged out...barely made it. Thank god I remembered my password.
  5. To commemorate the last horror show (VF-1S Hikaru), I watched the newest Friday the 13th while waiting. Not sure what I'll put on tonight.
  6. It's almost twice the size of a MB and is a more literal, as opposed to overly stylized, interpretation of the design. If I liked the Rebuild look, I'd go for it. I still might. I'd much rather have something like this based on the TV designs, though.
  7. Hilarious. Bandai didn't think tonight would be hard enough for us, so they're going to throw in a DX SOC that most of us have been waiting, what, two decades for?
  8. It is for some limited-edition My Little Ponys. But nothing Macross-related. Nothing at all...
  9. I had a similar experience with NY. Years before the pandemic, they sat on some old, in-stock HMRs for about 3-4 weeks. I even messaged them to make sure they were in stock, and they were. Never got a good explanation for why it took nearly a month between payment and sending of toys. Never again with that place--haven't been tempted to consider them again, even for preorder nights. And these days, no single business is indispensable for getting our stuff.
  10. All the best to you and your mother.
  11. That's pretty much why I want them.
  12. Psst...https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07SH712ZH/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  13. I'm just in awe of the people who managed to snag BOTH the 1S and Dairugger. Ballsy move. I only had time to go after one. If this were the Roy 1S, I would have no problems paying the Iron Price for it.
  14. Nah, I appreciate the discussion. To me, BOTH the behavior and results are similar. NY's actively interfering with its own sales to jack up the price, often cutting people off midway through their ordering process to hold back stock, just as scalpers interfere with collector's access to the items by simply snatching them up. Anyway, I'll stop on that topic. Looks like I'll be keeping an eye out for a 1S (and Strike Parts) when I head to Japan later this year. Hopefully, I'll find something in the 25,000 Yen range or less.
  15. How is scalping not part of capitalism or not intrinsically capitalistic in nature? It's not illegal. My point wasn't the semantics of it (so yes, it's not technically scalping), but just that they're essentially similar behavior. NY is intentionally holding back stock to inflate the price, frequently cutting people's orders midway to do so; they're actively interfering, just as scalpers do.
  16. I'd have to agree with beatsing. Sometimes, people justify NY's behavior, but NY's doing the exact same thing a scalper does, just with a lot more inventory and with wholesale purchasing costs (i.e., they're making more than a scalper does). When you're jacking up the price minutes after listing it, it's essentially just scalping with a storefront. Either that or you'd have to say scalpers are just 'doing business.' I'm fine with either terminology. It's just part of our capitalist world. But you can't really have it both ways, as far as how you think about NY.
  17. My wife actually told me again--after seeing how wrecked I was this morning--to just pay the mark-ups and get to bed at a reasonable time. As you get older, health becomes way more important than saving a few bucks. That and my toy collection is pretty small, especially with Macross. I'm definitely small fry compared to some of the more hardcore collectors. By the time I retire from collecting--and things like PO Madness are making retirement come sooner than later--I'll probably have no more than 3-4 DX valks, assuming Bandai makes the ones I really want. Given that, I really only need to pay a mark-up on a few items, and that'll be it for me. That's why to me, it's not such a big deal.
  18. I think we should put the brakes on the Amazon panic for now (as regards our preorders getting cancelled). Again, it's a stock explanation that's been given before for other toys and other toy lines.
  19. This is going to be an unpopular opinion, but if I were in your position, I'd just find the most reasonably inflated price--barring NY, which I hate--and just be done with it. Assuming I wanted it that badly. I'm already prepared to pay mark-ups for the remaining few valks I want, in case things go south. Scalpers/profiteers are just part of the landscape now, along with retailers who are more than happy to gouge us just as badly. To me, if I can't get it at retail, I'm not gonna waste more time out of my life debating whether or not to get something I really want. That extra $50-100 or whatever it is is trivial compared to my time and sleep. IMO.
  20. I've actually received that explanation for non-Macross items before (e.g., Action Toys's Tetsujin 28 and Mafex Venom, before they changed their minds on Mafex Venom). If it's the licensing issue, I wonder why we were able to order the VF-1J and VF-1A and YF-19DX in this past year alone. You'd figure that licensing disputes would have occurred before now. I just chalk it up to the standard we're-not-quite-sure-why explanation given to you by an overworked/underpaid Amazon employee.
  21. Gotcha. Thanks.
  22. I'm not too familiar with this. Does HLJ tend to let you know relatively soon, or is it like on the day of release?
  23. Penalize and blacklist those who cancel (pre)orders? We really starting to get this cutthroat now?
  24. ...
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