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Cannon Fodder

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  1. Sorry,but What is HLJ and what i have to do,to make an advanced search???.Greetings and thanks. Héctor.
  2. Sorry I don wanna be anoying,but please try to help me.Greetings. Me.
  3. Hi,I need the best web with the most complete merchandising information about evangelion please.I ll be waiting your answer.Thanks. Héctor.
  4. The Takatoku Macross Valkyrie VF GBP-1S Armored is compatible with the Vf-1 1/55 reissue by bandai???Thanks. Hector.
  5. and i would like to know why the high prices of this two. Thanks again.
  6. Exactly Zero-mae well,I want to know how cool are this toy...just that. Thanks Héctor.
  7. And this;
  8. Hi again, Can you give me some information about the takatoku toys pics?
  9. Taric

    This is the holy...?

    or this....?
  10. Taric

    This is the holy...?

    But i dont know yet wich one of these two is the holy.......?: This:
  11. Taric

    This is the holy...?

    But i dont know yet wich one of these two is the holy.......?: This:
  12. HI,here is a little question..This is the holy one too but armoured???.(has the same value as wiht one comes with fast packs)??Which ones is the most "hard to find"one???Thanks. Héctor.
  13. What can you tell me about the image below???Worhts it???.Thanks,
  14. Thanks to everyone,everyone... Well,i got another question,Do you know someplace where i can find mospeada japanese toys pics...???When this new yamato line toys with armor is gone to be release???Thanks again. Héctor.
  15. Hi well,I am from Chile i am rookie in the macross robotech toys,and i would like to ask you any information about the different toy line mark,for example; Can you tell me wich toy line(Bandai,Yamato,etc)you think are the best?? Wich toys are the most "hard to find"??? And,the other day i saw the robotech series again,and suddenly on very next moment after rick escape with lisa through the centraedy fortress came out the escape,he drive a rare Macross valkirye...suddenly this machine start to launch missils for all over body part,can you tell me the name of this model??? Well, thats it,sory for my InnGlish,jeje.Thans, Héctor.
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