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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. Yeah they fixed it, thanks
  2. Rob you are the man, really nice of you to go out of your way for all of us who still have orders outstanding. I really appreciate the effort. Thanks, Chad
  3. Grayson72


    I would explain washes to you but I've explained it so many times in the old forums I just can't bring myself to do it again.
  4. Speaking of airbrushing here's my first attempt at preshading, some of it doesn't show up well in the photo but all of them are done. I'm just glad it didn't come out all splattery.
  5. I use mine in my office/hobby room, on a large plastic mat on the floor. I have to go outside and up a set of stairs to get to my garage so it's rather unmotivating if I had to paint in my garage. I use acrylics which are a lot less stinky and toxic unlike lacquer and enamels. I have a bunch of pippets I use to mix my paints with and a bunch of extra glass jars (my Paasche fits on the model master enamel bottles so I saved them). I mix 3:1 paint to thinner ratio which is pretty standard, the pippets make it easy, 3 squirts of paint and one squirt of Tamiya airbrush thinner and I'm ready to go. When I'm done and need to clean the airbrush I first empty any paint left inside the airbrush by putting my finger over the end of the brush and hitting the button, this forces the paint flow to go backwards into the syphon cup(only do this if you have a jar type syphon cup) this method saves paint and cleaning time. I then dunk the syphon part of the airbrush in water and rinse that off real good. Then I take a clean jar and fill it with one pippet full of rubbing alcohol and run that through the airbrush (I open the window and put the end of the airbrush at the screen and spray it out into the air outside). I do disasemble mine as well every so often and clean all the parts. Oh and buy some medium size pipe cleaners from the craftstore really handy for a thorough cleaning. I don't use a spraybooth. My methods are a bit unconventional but I get good results anyway.
  6. Grayson72


    Hmm I always found Micro Sol invaluable, it melts the decal into the surface for that painted on look, especially if I'm gonna do panel lines over the decal. One note about Micro Sol, you don't have to do the whole decal (especially if it's a big one) just touch it on the parts where you want the decal to sink into the detail and be patient with it, after it starts working the decal shrivels up like a long swim in cold water and looks like a nightmare but then lays back down. Don't touch it again until it's dry.
  7. Hey WM, what's the mix ratio for panel lines? I know you posted this before but I can't remember where. Is it still 3:1 or do you use 2:1 for the panels?
  8. 19 Hasegawa models! Hey we got our own modeling forum now so I wanna see that line up!
  9. From the looks of the Hasegawa site they're gonna release the kit and a decal sheet. Kinda wierd but if they did it would be nice cuz the decal sheet also has the standard fighter decals (jet intake warning label, no step, etc...)
  10. Wow cool, is that thing yours? what kit is that?
  11. I'm always interested in how to stuff, I do Macross models and anything that could be included with them in a diorama. I have a subscription to FSM and while they never have anything sci-fi the info they do have on models carries over to my modeling. Maybe you could put your how to's in one of the non-macross related forums, or you could just make sure one of your VF's is in the background of whatever pic you post . This how to wasn't really Macross related but it was really informative to me and I don't think anyone cared. PS. I actually bid on you model but since I think I can recreate it I didn't want to go too high.
  12. CW, there seems to be a problem with your registration process. I register, get the registration email, click on the link, get to the login screen, then get a login error. I try the registratin link again from my email and it says no name exists in the database.
  13. Ah thanks for the explain, Cheers
  14. Hey Kurt, congrats on the sale of your model! You always get a premium price for your items and it's well deserved. You can't be making that much on those though with all the work these Hase's take plus the cost of the kit.
  15. I can't stress enough how PSI affects the atomization of the paint when airbrushing. I was just painting tonight and just for the heck of it I adjusted the psi up and down on my compressor. Sure enough at 15 psi it looked like raindrops on the model and at 25 psi it looked like fog. The double action is great on my airbrush, I really love the ability to control paint flow and the less paint I use the closer I can get to the subject and the finer the line.
  16. Moderators, why has this been pinned and why isn't it in the website links page instead?
  17. AH HA! that was it! Using a fine tipped pen or marker to outline the hub. You da man again WM.
  18. Hmm no that wasn't the one but that is helpful, thanks
  19. Are you sure what you are using isn't specifically for an airbrush? It's kinda confusing because they have two product lines of MM Acryl, one for brushing and the other comes pre-thinned for airbrushes. It's one of the few companies that makes pre-thinned paints for airbrushes. I can't attest these products cuz I only use Tamiya and Gunze Aqueous.
  20. I once saw a really good, ingenious tip on how to paint the wheels on aircraft so they come out perfect. I can't remember where I saw it or what the tip was (duh). I always struggle with getting the white on the wheels in a perfect line with the black of the tires. Any help would be appreciated.
  21. Speaking of family of models, each time you complete a new one I'd like to see the new lineup of all of them. Just so I can keep track of how far behind I am,
  22. LOL, ahahahahahah
  23. Looks great as usual WM, as far as the missiles go I'd just check out some pics of some real missiles and copy some of the details over to these fictional ones. Many are white and have black or yellow stripes that wrap around the body of the missile etc.
  24. They might be helpful if we new what the hell were talking about, battery pack? lights in the chest and eyes? Is this a Macross model? If it's not then please refrain from posting this in the Macross model section.
  25. Really great step-by-step, landscaping is something I knew nothing about but after this I think I'd feel comfortable taking this one, thanks a bunch. Yeah great models is really good, they just restocked their verlinden products, I ordered a few.
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