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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. Is this model even available yet, if it is I doubt anyone has had time to finish it.
  2. Geez tail fins shouldn't be to difficult fabricate out of sheet styrene, as far as getting that thing off don't sand it, buy some cutoff wheels for your Dremel tool. If you don't have one you should get one.
  3. Heh, Acetate, that's kinda what I figured. Thanks, I'll look for the replacement tops, that's a good idea since CA isn't exactly cheap.
  4. Is acetate the same as acetone?
  5. Rememer to use label maker tape as a guide, your scribing will never be the same.
  6. Wheathered or not I think it looks way distorted. It looks like one of those old Battletech metal figures by Ral Partha.
  7. Hey, does anyone know which chemical disolves CA. My gap filling CA bottles always get all clogged up before I ever finish using the stuff inside. Thanks,
  8. You can get almost any Hasegawa model from online american stores at Yahoo Shopping. You can't walk to them but it's better than order from HLJ. Grayson72
  9. Thanks Tage, that was really, er, not that helpful, heh
  10. Ok now that was funny,
  11. Prometheus wasn't that much different than a regular aircraft carrier other than it was submersable.
  12. It would but it'd have to have it's own room, a big one.
  13. About time, haven't seen you listing much on Ebay lately. Blackaces, tempting my soul and wallet with his wares.
  14. Yeah that thing is a pain in the ass to build ain't it? I did one, won't do it again.
  15. Coby, maybe you can answer the question of how do you create a totally from scratch, original work? You state you start with magic sculpt. Do you just pull off a wad of epoxy, work it witn your fingers and then carve and sand it down to how how you want it to look? How the heck did you make two perfect halves of a fighter and not have it be solid?
  16. The flat finish on that model makes it so much more believable. I'm lovin' it now.
  17. Next time do the canopy finishing last, then you can use it as a mask, I made the mistake last time and scuffed the canopy kit a bit
  18. I wonder how many of those were made? Those gotta be extremely rare.
  19. Ok how the hell did you build a completely custom Monster from scratch?
  20. You could always take some ideas off the original robotech factory kit that was made way back when. It was 1/100 scale but you could easily recreate some of the detail. I'd definately work in a gantry crane or cherry picker type truck.
  21. That is the true story. John was investing a huge amount of money into the project and there was just not enough preorders to cover the costs. Thus, John decided to cut loses and move on. Toynami involvment is pretty much a moot point. Toynami did express some interest in the design but didn't want to pay John's asking price since they can just copy Imai's 1/48 model design for free. Perhaps he didn't get enough orders because it wasn't readily apparent that he was going to sell them. The pictures of the thing on the main website didn't mention anything about it. I would have bought one, when you clicked to go over to his site it didn't mention anything about preorders either. I assumed it was just a scratchbuild project for himself.
  22. I got a tip for you about free handing panel lines, if you don't have some of those neat saws like WM, go to the crafts store and get yourself some of that label maker tape. You know the kind that comes is different colors and makes letters with the little gun that punches the tape. Just get some of that, it's really thick and works as a perfect guide for a reqular scribing tool, it's really sticky but doesn't leave any sticky residue.
  23. Yeah me too, what was the point of that. Like anyone who was going to build one of these wasn't gonna paint it?
  24. Yeah I saw that glaug too, when I saw it I thought it was a mistake, it was never in their catalog inserts either. Most were Dougram kits and then the variable ones "Robotech Changers" were the 1/72 Variable valkes (painted in hideous schemes).
  25. Looks really nice man, so how do you decide which panel lines to shade or do you do all of them?
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