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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. Late reply, but finally I found the pics (they are in Tnejin's site in CG works: Macross Plus DVD) Both the YF-19 and the 21 have the words written around the UN Spacy symbols (I think it is a good thing that Hasegawa includes them, love those guys in Hase!!). Here is the YF-21 cockpit by Tenjin san: That's a sweet pic, can you supply the link to Tenjin's site? Thanks
  2. Ok wow! I feel like an expert on Future now, I have had issues with it orangepeeling so the techniques for that were particularly helpful. Great find, thanks.
  3. Oh man, of all the Hase Macross Models you could have bought why'd you get that one? Cheap and Macross don't usually go together, it's gonna be hard for you to get them since they are mostly available online and you need a credit card.
  4. Excellent as usual, this one came off really nice with all the different shades of blue, I'd have to agree about that blue color on the canopy. Don't forget to take a new photo with all your Macross models lined up next to each other. Grayson72
  5. Ha, my thoughts exactly, I like the look of the 51 but there's no friggin' way I'm painting a fighter flaming Cherry Red or whatever that color is, i'll just do the low-viz thing.
  6. Nice Jessee, looks real good. Are you gonna enter the Hobbyfan contest, this would get ya started. I'm currently building two 1A's at the same time.
  7. Congrats, now you gotta go up against me and WM Cheng in the Hobbyfan contest
  8. You should really check out his other build ups too, they're amazing.
  9. Oops I did it the hard way, but hey I registered! You've seen the model before.
  10. It's gonna make things difficult not allowing people to upload images directly to the server.
  11. email him
  12. Maybe I'll enter my 1/72 defender, I could do the VF-1A that I completed a while ago too, what you guys think, which one?
  13. You can use it on anymodel as long as your undercoat is shiny and not oil base like the wash will be
  14. Look under the modeling manufacturers, it's listed under UNCM, I'll pray for you.
  15. First you email Tanmen Wait 6 weeks for a reply..... Send another email Wait 4 weeks for a reply.... Receive email with price & shipping quote Get cashiers check Send cashiers check to Japan care of Tanmen Send email stating money has been sent Wait 6 months.......................................................... Ask Monkey Nuggett to call and bug the guy Wait 4 months........................................................ The End
  16. Then there was the 1/72 Destroid Monster, that had to be up there somewhere in terms of an actual model that was commercially available that you were supposed to build yourself.
  17. I think it's definately possible, I think you'll really have to go slow and think it through. I wanna do the same thing.
  18. I like the flat, in real life if you were standing far enough away that the plane looked that size, you probably wouldn't see any shine. Looks more real to me.
  19. Great, thanks man!
  20. Sorry to bring this one up again but do we have any more line art pics of the platypus like this one? I need it from more than just this angle, the magazine pics don't help that much. Thanks
  21. It's available from HLJ now too! I just ordered mine.
  22. Why do it myself when I can use a tool to do it for me. You use a lawn mower to cut your grass or you do it with a pair of scissors? I did use a calculator, there's one at the end of that link, dick nose.
  23. That would be: 17.941176470588235 CM or 7.063455303381195 inches Used this link to do it: http://users2.ev1.net/~jimbobwan/scalcalc.htm
  24. WM, do you adjust your compressor PSI in anyway up or down for the panel shading? BTW, I saw a tip somewhere about using Tamiya clear smoke for panel shading, I tried it and it worked great! It's clear so you don't have to mix darker versions of the underlying paint either.
  25. Wow great work, wrong forum.
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