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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. From above in formation
  2. Coming at ya
  3. Nosecone shot
  4. Well after a month of weekends I finally finished the twins. This was my first real attempt at panel shading (I may have gone a bit overboard though). I also tried some new techniques on the winglights as well. I'm pretty happy with the way they came out and together they look like they could kick some as (well for the 15 seconds they were alive anyway ). You may ask "why two"? I thought it would look cool and they will make my ultimate diorama more realistic anyway. Here they are together:
  5. I tried all sorts of combinations of enamels, water colors, acrylic nothing worked right until I used oils, that was the key for me.
  6. some tiny paint brushes for the details, some tweezers, jewelers files, some springy clips for holding parts together or for holding when painting, if you're gonna do the airbrush thing then you'll want some empty paint bottles and some pippets for mixing the paints. Don't forget the right primer for whatever paint you're gonna use. Do a search on how to do oil washes too to really bring out the details in your model. Grayson72
  7. If you live in SF you can buy them from NewType hobbies. I have a bunch I'll sell ya too.
  8. One other comment before you buy all that air brush stuff. Are you gonna use it more than once? It may seem like a silly question but seriously how much of a model junky are you? You're gonna have buyers remorse after buying all that stuff and build like two models with it. I bought all that stuff but I knew I was in it for the long haul.
  9. Well good luck man, can't wait to see pics. Oh, no one ever answered your original missile question, I'm sorry to say I have no idea. Grayson72
  10. Geez my latest project has taken weeks, so many steps, do something wait till it dries, do something else wait till it dries. Over and over again. Post pics when it's all done and after you've had some sleep
  11. You're building a Glaug in one night? What's the rush?
  12. Yeah I just sprayed some Dullcoat Laquer and thinned it this time, it was better I think.
  13. Not to mention FlightPath for accesory details.
  14. Now that's more like it, cool pic dude thanks. Yeah I was looking for the pin type, now to figure out good spots for them on a VF. So are they on missiles too? And are they on missiles when they're in storage?
  15. Dude you're looking at the whole package, you tell me what brand it is. I can't help you if you don't know how to search at a hobby shop site.
  16. I check at www.greatmodels.com, they have everything, if it's out of stock then take the MFG's name and search for items on the internet. It's a great starting point.
  17. Cool that works, do they only hang on missiles or are they on the aircraft too? Got any photos of the real thing?
  18. Does anyone have any shots of fighters or missiles with the "Remove Before Flight" tags attached and hanging off of them? I need some for reference. I'm not so much interested in what the tags look like but more where they're attached. Thanks, Grayson72
  19. I saw some more at Rainbow 10 for the 1D if you want some.
  20. I bought them at Rainbow10, at the time all they had were 3 of each and I wiped them out of their inventory. I also bought a set of those panel line scribing saws like WM has, I'd been looking for those forever. I was hoping someone could tell me about their experience with these but I guess I'll have to blaze the trail.
  21. Hello, has anyone ever seen or used these canopy masks for the Hasegawa VF's? Thanks, Grayson72
  22. Well there's always a job and don't forget xmas and your birthday too? Doing chores without being asked + sad puppy dog eyes always got me stuff too These Hasegawa Macross models are gonna be around for a long time so don't worry about missing them.
  23. Hi guys, quick question for ya. Do you thin Dullcoat when you airbrush it or is that not necessary? I never have but I may be doing it wrong. Thanks, Grayson72
  24. If you're gonna order online you could try valkyrie-exchange.com very trustworthy
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