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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. Here's my resin kits:
  2. Here's my Bandai/Arii/Imai stuff:
  3. We had a thread like this on the old boards but I'm sure all of your model collections have increased by then. Post your pics of boxed, in progress or completed model collections. LTSO requested to see mine so here you go man. I only collect 1/72 models in order to limit myself (at least I thought it would help) Here's my Hasegawa collection for starters:
  4. It sure looks like the VF-1S Hasegawa Strike Battroid. But it has been customized, the head lasers are not the ones the kit comes with, and the gun strap is custom too, it looks pretty sweet. They could have easily got the missile pods from the Haseqawa weapons set. Not sure what you mean by original metal ones, the originals are plastic?
  5. Hmm, can't remember which character got her hand chopped off...
  6. Oh, well the version I have is the Wonderfest Tanmen special that doesn't have any armour.
  7. I think I'll hold on to it.
  8. The Club-M has never been recast. And originals are rare as hell. I've been looking for one for months, and still nothing Hobbyfan had one for sale a couple years ago, but it was the Retpuu 1/72 fighter. Like the Club-M, it comes with optional fast packs, but it doesn't come with the solid fuel rockets like the club-m does. Plus, I think the club-m is a much better looking kit all around. I seems doubtful that Hasegawa will turn its attention to the VF-11 anytime soon, unfortunately... They'll be busy with Macross Zero for a while. No, wait.... That's not a bad thing And yes, I was also surprised that Hasegawa made a YF-19 kit. It seemed very unlike them to make a kit which had so few variants (The VF-19F/S is a very different beast) I guess I'm one of the lucky ones then who got one of the originals,
  9. Cool I didn't know about the other variants, that would be cool if they would. The only problem there is that particuarl aircraft wasn't ever a star of a show. It seems like they've only been building variants based on a main vehicles of a show. I hope they do.
  10. I doubt it, there isn't enough variants to make it worth their while. Buy a resin recast of the club-M one.
  11. Mr Surfacer is thinned by laquer thinner which also eats polystyrene. I'd say sand and redo.
  12. The YF21 model that WM did isn't a good example of sub-assembly painting because on that model there isn't one. You should study the instructions and see how the different parts can form subassemblies. The best example of this is the VF-1 Hasegawa kits. They really thought about the model builder when they created this model. Sub assembly examples on the VF-1: Cockpit nose cone thrust nozzles two separate assemblies for the legs wings tail section all landing gear arms main body Aside from the cockpit and thrust nozzles, all of these sub assemblies can be painted and decalled until fully complete if you want. I don't use primer FYI.
  13. When was the last time you actually got an email from Tanmen? What's the next steps in contacting him since he last said he'd contact you in Oct?
  14. I use a Paasche Millenium and I love it it's basically a VL with a different handle, with the finest tip I did my panel shading down to about 2mm. The model master paint bottles and the extra ones you can buy for mixing screw right to it as well.
  15. Wrong forum, you should try your question in the "How to customize Macross Toys" forum. There's probably more people who could answer your question.
  16. The one that Kakarot did is great, I love that paint scheme
  17. I think for the next model I'm gonna limit the panel shading to just parts that move instead of every panel.
  18. FYI WM uses oil paints for his panel washes.
  19. Hey thanks for the kudos guys, hellohikaru: I've actually got that kit, I have all the Hasegawa's now I have to decide which one to build next. Monkey-N: Heh, I have 4 built now, only 64 left to go and that's just the Macross models I have another 50 or so to build for the diorama, like buildings and support vehicles. DemonPlay: This was the first time I've tried the trick with the wingtips. If you've ever seen these kits in real life you'll know how tiny a detail it really is. I'm glad you liked it. Diorama: Well what can say, I'm at the accumulate the right parts phase I'd say I'm 50% there, I don't wanna go into too much detail right now cuz it's not started but think big, really big. I wanna create my own website that features the diorama, anyone know a good web creation software and recomendation for free webhosting? Thanks, Grayson72
  20. Oops, I hate that
  21. Last shot of them all in formation:
  22. Here's the lineup with my first VF-1A
  23. Here's the starboard side:
  24. Here's the wing light technique I mentioned, I had to drill it out with a micro drill and then paint the inside of it with a tiny brush. Makes it kinda look like there's a bulb in there. Kinda of silly for such a small detail but I wanted to at least try it once
  25. Here's one by himself
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