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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. Grayson72


    Closer pic
  2. Grayson72


    This one is pretty cool too
  3. Grayson72


    another shot
  4. Grayson72


    I thought this one was pretty cool
  5. Grayson72


    Which one were you looking at, there's a bunch of diorama's
  6. What I really wanna know is where he got that cool little vehicle.
  7. Is that what the problem was? something hit me like that when I was looking at those pics. While they're expertly done they kinda look like an animation cell from the WB store. i tihnk its that mixed with something else, they are great work but something about them seems drab and sterile Agree, kinda makes them look more like toys.
  8. Is that what the problem was? something hit me like that when I was looking at those pics. While they're expertly done they kinda look like an animation cell from the WB store.
  9. 5 hours! oh man, yeah we'd have to coordinate it. Does Tanmen even have an actual shop you can go to and buy stuff?
  10. Man I wouldn't make things anymore complicated, just get the refund and then have those who want the models to contact Tanmen themselves, that's what I'm planning on doing. It's just too much room for error. What if somehow in the translation you wind up with say half the money, how are you gonna decide to how to divy it up. Do you want to put yourself in that position?
  11. I know what you mean, I really really wanted that Dragon model. Maybe they'll showup on his site or on Hobbyfan and then I'll get one later.
  12. Patience is one thing but if you aren't ever gonna get the thing that's not patience that's being a sucker. Wanna buy some cheap acreage in Florida? I'll be amazed if we ever see any money from this guy either.
  13. I'll take the refund, no more waiting
  14. Yeah, I'm certainly not a casting expert in any sense of the word but I've looked my cat's eye up and down and can't figure out how the heck he molded the thing.
  15. Interesting, if you poke around on his site it looks like he's still going strong creating new models. He even shows an SD Strike in primer gray. He's also got a bunch of 1/72 projects that are in the works VF-3000, VF-9 he's still listing the VF-4. No mention of the Dragon II but I can't read Katakana either. http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Spade/...e/jp/eitem.html I don't buy his pc is broke either his files are very recent.
  16. I guess what I'm upset most about is just being ripped off, it's not the hundred bucks or not having another rare 1/72 model to add to my collection. Makes me mad when people don't keep their commitments. He has obviously made a conscious decision to not keep his word and complete the transaction and steal good peoples money. The whole not answering the phone and pretending to forget who Jessee is, I hate that crap. Just a little venting cuz some of the people he's ripped off I consider my friends. Nanashi if you don't have an outstanding order then butt out, this isn't your business.
  17. Hey Valkyrie what's this one? Can I see a close up?
  18. Yeah that's why when I saw the 1/72 Phalanx I freaked out and made sure Noel got one for me at Wonderfest.
  19. The one at Hobbyfan has the metal landing gear
  20. It's not worth the money, if you wanna buy a knock off get it here for a lot less ($279) and the quality will be good. http://www.hobbyfan.com/product_info.php/c...products_id/832
  21. No no, I'll have a regular one and an armored one, that counts.
  22. You rock dude, actually I'll just take a whole other one so I'll build two, one with armor one without
  23. Yeah that's why I don't have any resin versions of those, as long as I have one of each type I'm happy. I'm only a completist when it comes to Hasegawa. I refuse to buy the F14 and Mig though and those clear versions were just stupid. I probably won't ever get to the variable ones either since they pale in comparison to the Hasegawas and it'll be lame to have two Max & Millia's and two Black and Yellow 1S's, I don't know what to do with them. Now Jessee's just a completist through and through, I wanna see his collection.
  24. I hate it when I do that
  25. Here's a shot of the ones I've built:
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