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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. I think your best bet for accurate line drawings would be the intstructions that come with the Hasegawa models. b
  2. If that's all the boxed models you have then you are doing well my friend.
  3. That's really coming along nicely, looks really good. What color did you use for the fuselage? It doesn't look like pure white.
  4. I never liked the clear versions unless I was going to do a build like Gerwalker. Why would you want a pink or green valk? The canopy will be that color too if you decide to paint it remember. I hope you're an advanced modeller as well because there's no sanding and getting rid of seem lines either.
  5. Oh I got ya, I didn't see the muzzle cap piece, it was so big I didn't get what it was for until now. That will actually be pretty darn cool!
  6. Oh I forgot to mention, great job 007 the customizations look really good. I had no idea you were such an advanced modeller!
  7. I wouldn't hold your breath for a recast anytime soon. I have this kit and the thing has hollow parts, Tanmen is a master sculpter and used some advanced casting techniques to create this thing.
  8. Grayson72

    SDF-1 Kits

    Any idea where I can get my hands on one of these in the cruiser mode?
  9. Grayson I already thought of that, but here is the reasoning why black is the primary color... its dark and you can't "see" the bottom. With black I can get away with the bore being only about 3/4 - 1". With light gray I probably would have to make it more like 3-4" so you can't "see" the bottom. If the bore was 3-4" long and only about 1/4" in diameter, it would be an evil evil thing to put together. Otherwise I agree... one last thought, if you wanted the deep bore look and still reverse the colors all you'd have to do is glue the rifling to the inside of the barrel before you roll it.
  10. The rifling will be cool but I think you should reverse the colors. The thin lines would be the recessed part and would therefore be darker than the rest of the surrounding material.
  11. Hey cool, if I ever get around to building the fugly things now I know how to paint them They look like internal organs with guns
  12. That's it, I'm ordering the 1/48 YF-19 Friday when I get paid.
  13. I disagree, a lot of the destroids have logos on the legs particularly on the front, I think it's cool. But I see what your saying about the "say hello to my little friend" being on the leg. I was thinking that referred to the Monster as a whole and not just a particular weapon part.
  14. The chunky plain one was the 1/72 wonderfest one . I'd kill for a nicely molded 1/72 monster by this guy.
  15. Doesn't sound like any weathering technique I ever heard of. Especially since it mentions using spray cans and not an airbrush.
  16. And well it should...You really did an incredible job with this kit!! Any other Macross projects in the pipeline? I'd love to have another of your kits to work on! I have to agree with trueblueeyes this is a very well done kit yeah cant wait to to get my hands on some more of cobywan's macross kits If he'd ever make any more originals. Yes one of the nicest resin kits I have
  17. I use an artists oil wash thinned with low odor mineral spirits, I did the same for the CF's only I did panel shading on those as well with thinned clear smoke.
  18. Oh this is good stuff, I don't think we've had a good discussion topic about resin kits before. Keep it coming the rare resin kits are calling to me. Any other resin building tips?
  19. The whole model itself has been discontinued but you can get them on ebay or check around some of the online shops. Rainbow 10 might have them.
  20. That depends on how many official color scheme's there are of this model in Mac Zero. So far there have been three color schemes shown in the animation: - 1) Nora's SV-51. 2) D.D. Ivano's SV-51. 3) Tan Cannon Fodder. SV-51. Graham Three it is then, thanks Graham
  21. Try a RYOBI 18.0 Volt cordless drill with the variable torque clutch, oh man I love mine.
  22. That depends on how many official color scheme's there are of this model in Mac Zero.
  23. Oh friggin' sweet, yet another box to add to the pile. I'm rich, I'm a happy miser (Daffy Duck)
  24. Hi guys, pondering building one of my resin kits and am wondering about paint steps. Thanks, Grayson72
  25. What scale are they?
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