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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. Please define patience?
  2. dang, now I'm jealous, 1/72 that I don't have.
  3. Cool kit, wow all those pics and I can't tell what scale it's in? 1/100 or 1/72?
  4. I think that's why he was telling us the molds are broken for the cat's eye and the other models. He can't pay us with those models because he can't make any more.
  5. I'm looking for the so and so is the recaster and will be starting x-date. What the heck is taking so long?
  6. Hey guys, where do you all get your anime videos? Online shops I mean.
  7. The real question is not if you rode the short yellow bus or not. The real question is did you wear hockey equipment all the time and you weren't on a team?
  8. Hey cool, that means mine will be arriving soon then. What do ya think Jesse can you pull off a recast? Looks complicated
  9. Don't confuse the law with morality, each can exist without the other.
  10. I'm sure this has been asked before but where in your opinion is the best place on the internet to order anime? Yamato, Gatchaman, etc...
  11. amen brother
  12. "Hey I want this and this is how I am going to get it!" happy now? "oh boohoo now I feel really bad, bad llama"
  13. MW is just dripping with talent, we could start our own company and make a fortune making and selling kits . That is until HG shut is down I guess we'd all have to move to the Caymen's, then we'd be untouchable, not to mention tan and happy .
  14. I actually like the horizontal lighting system the best.
  15. I'd check out gamespot.com, I like their reviews and they now have an advance search engine function. You can sort on genre, platform and my favorite the search by rating. I can search by all PC or Xbox games that have only been rated 9+ or 8+. BTW I went with XBOX because of the superior graphics. I can't believe no one brought up the game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. One of the most fun games I've ever played (and I've been playing a long time, can you say C64?).
  16. I think that's a great idea, if we as Americans can't convince him to do what's right perhaps his own fellow countrymen and peers can.
  17. Forget the boycott, lets all hop on a plane and pay him a little visit and then like break all his fingers
  18. One thing about microSET, never ever apply microSol to a decal that's just been applied with microSET. If you need microSOL to get the decal into some really tite spots then wait for the microSET to completely dry or the decal will curl like a mother and be pretty much ruined.
  19. That was a cool link, did you guys see the paper craft Yamato series? You can still get the book from HLJ. Oh and this monster kit is 1/100 scale.
  20. Maybe that form is something that Jesse can fill out since the deal is really with him and Tanmen. Any supporting evidence will difene the deal brokered via Jesse for us .
  21. What drives me nuts is why he is explaining to us his political views, doesn't he get that we don't give a crap what his views are. No matter what they are they have nothing to do with a business deal he made. He's just trying to justify himself being a thief! Like by withholding our models he thinks he can change something in Iraq? Is he delusional? While were at it I don't agree with all of his governments actions and policies either. Shall we remind him of the unprovoked attack on Pearl Harbor as well? Might as well while we're exchanging rediculous and irrelevant viewpoints.
  22. I guess I'm the only one who just doesn't give a s***. I download music off the internet, I buy recasted models, so sue me.
  23. As good as me?? Awe shucks I've gone bright red
  24. Here's a question for those of you who are planning on buying the recast. Do you actually intend on building this thing and displaying it or are you just a collector who likes just having the kit? For me personally my ultimate intention is to build every kit I purchase no matter how rare or valuable (yes I know it's a pipe dream given the number of kits I have but hey I can dream).
  25. No I meant the insert for the barrels.
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