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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. LOL, I love picking on Jersey! But that's only because I'm from Maryland, and Jersey is the only state with higher auto insurance But my wife has [italiangoombaaccent]family[/italiangoombaaccent] in Jersey, so we're up there pretty frequently. MMmm, white castle, and Gencarelli's bakery in Bloomfield.... You just can't get good bread like they have in Jersey, it's the water, all the pollution makes for such a nice chewy crust... Ha, good stuff! I was born and raised in NJ, but I moved to PA, so I can breathe much easier now! Yes, White Castle was fine dining, but White Rose was the ultimate. Kind of like super-sized White Castle burgers! I guess I've only seen the nice scenic countryside parts of NJ, can you say Princeton U? hello gorgeous.
  2. Nope, I'm here too.
  3. I think this is the key right there.
  4. How in the world did you do those panel lines?
  5. Different store, this place is more expensive.
  6. Oh no! I haven't been there for quite some time. I used to go there in the 80's when he ran that place out of his basement up the street
  7. Yeah he is a good guy, he owns NewType Hobbies near golden gate park, an amazing shop.
  8. I'm in
  9. Here's the real one And a link describing it http://www.wpafb.af.mil/museum/modern_flight/mf37.htm
  10. Hey you need to share your pics of your built models
  11. Hey if you want to know what the value of any item is just go to ebay and do an advanced search on auctions that have been completed. You'll get a good feel for what people are willing to pay for stuff.
  12. Not sure what "powder" you're referring to. The machines I've seen use an ultra violet light laser to produce a kind of plastic 3d model from a fluid.
  13. Those pics are awesome! Your molds don't look like they have any outlets for the air to escape? How do you ensure no air gets trapped in the nooks and crannies and make sure there's no bubbles?
  14. Their site was down for awhile, try it again.
  15. Where'd you get the supplies and the know how?
  16. OMG OMG OMG!!! The ligia kit looks awesome, you did a great recast job on both! Well done.
  17. Maybe the glass is actually transparent aluminum?
  18. Heh, you prolly haven't seen the 1/48 ultimate strike valkyrie then. I have that one too, it's amazing.
  19. Completed Model! where's the fun in that? Too many seamlines anyway
  20. Now that was funny!
  21. I could do that except I don't have a Yammie 1/48, I'm not a Macross toy kinda guy.
  22. What I don't see is why we're talking about toys in the model section?
  23. Yeah for $2 bucks it got here pretty darn quick when it finally shipped. Faster than HLJ for sure. It came in a tupperware bin for a protective box too.
  24. You can find plenty of Destroid models around 1/72 1/100 1/144 1/200 Pic a scale, FYI the 1/72 scale is the hardest and most expensive ones to find, especially Phalanx and Monster. 1/100 should be readily available, there's even a new monster kit coming out. An excellent sculpt by our very own Gundamhead and produced by SMT models. Oh and you forgot the Defender in your list.
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