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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. Yeah, I just received mine from HLJ a week ago... and I used SAL. Heh, yeah me too!
  2. Grayson72


    he goes by the handle "Blackaces" on these boards. He's a regular contributor and is affiliated with a toy store in Hong Kong, I believe. Is it Hong Kong? I can't remember. Yeah, it's Singapore and it's actually all his own store.
  3. Grayson72


    I think Noel has quite a few at his shop.
  4. You're a little late to the party my friend.
  5. two words: Mad Skillz Don't suppose you'd be willing to share those mad skills with us?
  6. Good lord, that looks so precise! how the heck did Fulcy do that?
  7. Dude you could sell like 20 or more on this site, I'd definiately get a few. Can we see progress pics? please?
  8. Don't know, but FYI this isn't in the right forum since this doesn't relate to Macross.
  9. Actually the VF-1D and the VT two seater versions are totally different.
  10. WM, you need to get yourself a set of jewelers files so you can get into those tight spots, I can't imagine trying to get in there with sand paper. Also, I have a set of 1/72 photo etch canopy mirrors I got from either squadron.com or greatmodels.com Try those places.
  11. Heh, that skilled painter you speak of is a regular member here. so who is this "regular" i want to ask for his permission to use his pics, instead of borrowing without permission If you read the details in the link you provide, his name is there and a link back to Macrossworld .
  12. Or the crazy scum bag cop from Kite.
  13. I've used gap filling CA too and it does work well, the putty can sometimes gum up my sand paper no matter how long I let it sit. Jesse you crack me up!
  14. I've got some great and simple ideas to get ya started when you're ready
  15. You will when you're not gettin' the kits you want. Well if that day comes, which it never will, I'll just pay someone to sculpt whatever I want.
  16. All I can offer is the steps I use: Glue it, I either use the liquid or the goupy stuff depending on which part I'm working on. Putty using Tamiya Mr Surfacer 500. Is is possible you're not using enough putty and covering a wide enough area? Another thing I've seen is applying to much pressure while sanding the seem and you actuall flex the seem and the crack reappears.
  17. I suspect the "20 kits max per con/year" rule was established as a way to control quality. As you can see, big resin manufacturers like Kotobukiya and Kaiyodo are not bound to such rules, since they have the resources to produce a large quantity of high quality kits. Most, if not all, of these convention-only kits are true garage kits that's usually the labor of love of one person who handles pretty much the whole project from the beginng to the end. Limiting the number of copies that can be sold ensures that the caster won't go crazy making too many kits at the expense of quality, and should the GK turn out to be an embarrassment, the damage done would be minimal. As you know, this rule was established by license holder (e.g. Big West) and not the people who design the products (e.g. sculptors), so the artist's ego does not come into play at all. Recasting of unavailable products or ones from defunct companies deprives the license holder of potential income from the license holders and the sculptors. The existence of recasts reduces or even eliminates potential interest from third parties to acquire the license to make new kits or reissue long extinct ones. With plans of new kits or reissues scrapped, companies and sculptors have less projects to work on and therefore their future/potential income reduced accordingly. As if that is not bad enough, the kit buying public also loses out because we are deprived of new and exciting kits and potential reissues as well. I think I heard this whole "public enjoyment" argument during the Napster fiasco, which obviously did not work at court. Don't care
  18. I'll take a booster
  19. I think a little perspective is in order, Macross is a cartoon and we're debating about lumps of plastic and resin. This isn't world hunger or third world debt or anything.
  20. That may be a bit premature
  21. They mean Yahoo Japan auctions. Ebay is the big online auctioneer in the US, it's yahoo auctions in Japan.
  22. Ooh Dallas, let's all hum the theme song
  23. Heh, Macres, sounds like another show in the US. "Green Macres is the place to be, fine livin' is the life for me"
  24. Heh, that skilled painter you speak of is a regular member here. Of course it will cost you an arm and a leg, it's resin, goes with the territory . Most I've paid for a resin kit was $400, it was a big model though.
  25. I thought Oroville CA was the meth capital of the world.
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