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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. I think that box you show comes with armour and mine doesn't, I think that's it. I could be wrong since I don't have the one you show.
  2. What I just wanted to make you are aware of all the available club-M kits to ensure your collection is complete
  3. Hey Jessee you forgot this one
  4. You gotta be kiddin'?
  5. Ohhh WM you've been spending a bit too much time with your little plane. You've definately gone to plaid . Looks great though.
  6. How close are you to Blytheville or I should say "Blyville"
  7. The parts you are looking for on the VF-2SS are available here from Monkey Nuggett in Japan. These are recasts. http://www9.ocn.ne.jp/~monkey/monkey.htm For the other kit you should contact Noel Lee aka Blackaces on the boards. Check out his website here for his latest kits. http://www.wondershowcase.com.sg/
  8. I think she needs breast reduction surgery, I better numb them first (puts face between breasts) num num num num num num
  9. All I can say is slurp slurp slurp... mama
  10. You are correct my friend!
  11. Hey looks great WM, too bad you didn't see my 1/72 Defender build up, I used the exact same technique and it worked like a charm. Coulda saved ya some money.
  12. Here's reference shot with a VF-1. I was surprised at how big the kit came out.
  13. Shot of the other side, it's a little clearer and you can see the decals better.
  14. Here's a closer shot of the cockpit area.
  15. Shot of the front, it looked like from the pics that came with the kit that there's some kind of yellow camera lens on the front. So I painted it with a layer of chrome silver and then a layer of clear yellow to give it depth.
  16. Here's a shot of the side, my preshading and post shading came out better. You can't really see it in this pic but I did black pre-shading sprayed it over with white then I did post shading and covered that with some more white. It built subtle layers. You can see some of it here.
  17. Well here's the finished pics of my first resin kit. I'm pretty pleased with the outcome, the funnest part was the custom decals. The decals came from several mfg's but mostly left over from other Hasegawa kits. Big props to Cobywan for a fantastic kit.
  18. Ok here's the finished pic, I'm gonna put the rest of them in the regular model section.
  19. Ohhhh Monky and Blackaces begin collaborating on projects. Pretty soon an announcement is made of a new model company BlackMonkey Productions Ltd. has been formed, soon after every obscure 1/72 model I've ever dreamed of is released. Then the alarm clock goes off...huh...wha... ah nuts.
  20. Call it custom if you like but I betcha that's an actual first run prototype kit from Hasegawa. Look at that head and the detail on the wings, no way.
  21. Fantastic article David, thanks!
  22. Now all that's needed is something to shoot with and something to shoot at!
  23. Aluminum tires!? Good lord that must make for a really smooth ride...NOT! Oh please do post some pics of the red edges, thanks
  24. Coming along very nicely, I really like the white accents you added, it really brings out the details and breaks up the plane a bit. Make sure you point out all the areas you post shade, I wanna know what areas you focus on for post shading.
  25. Cool, now that I didn't know.
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