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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. Well geez I only completed my 1/72 Lancer II a little while ago. I have started building the stock VF-1J but the birth of my son got in the way of my work , darn kids
  2. Good answers LTSO, you have more patience than I.
  3. Compared to the Hasegawa it looks like crap. One of the worst sculpts of the nose cone I've seen on a Macross model. I think the 1/100's were actually better and they were fully transformable.
  4. You could always sell them on Ebay for cheap. That's what I did, I sold my old 1/160 Monster and some guy paid me $60 for it. People are always looking for kits to use for parts or to practice on or maybe they don't think they're as crappy as you do. Give it a shot and make some mullah.
  5. What scale is it, I assume 1/100 right?
  6. I wouldn't be too disappointed, the F-14 kit really sucked. I'd buy a really nice F14 kit and then contact HLJ and get the decal sheet from the kit. It'll cost ya about $12 dollars. Or you could just buy one from the Monkey.
  7. So you think there's two whole planes in one box? That's pretty cool then.
  8. Oh god not again, get over it.
  9. I also don't get why this one is #17, yet all the other repackages are the other numbering system. Usually they reserve the #1-16 etc. for new molds.
  10. If you seal the decals in with future it diminishes that edge and it doesn't show up with the wash.
  11. The Virgin Road kit didn't come with the PE kit, yet it was more expensive...hmmm...nice huh?
  12. Oh Jesse, care to put your 1/48's on hold? That's great it's actually finished, do you have it in your possesion, how bout some pics? What's the story with the Ghost? I thought it was the same guy building that one?
  13. Wow that armour is awesome, it makes me sick to my stomach I can't have it. I wonder if these model builders realize just how much I'd pay for those models, if they did they'd go into business makeing them. Yeah I whish Hasegawa would get on the ball and make a GBP kit for the battroid, grrr
  14. Great 3D work, I think it kinda looks like a Pteradactle (sp?)
  15. Gosh where would you wear those and not feel like a total A-hole?
  16. That looks like a Bromry van from Dougram.
  17. You need to share pics of your built models, I wanna see. I remember hearing that you would never offer any of your models to anyone to have them recasted...how people change for the better..... know thy friends... Me? no share and share alike, well as long as there's something in it for me anyway
  18. You need to share pics of your built models, I wanna see.
  19. How 'bout you buy one and fix it how you'd like it to look?
  20. Ah ok, thanks for the clarification. I didn't jump to that conclusion but thanks for the heads up anyway
  21. Quick question, who are the bad ones in your opinion?
  22. What new board?
  23. Hey cool, my dad owns a mechanical engineering company and has lots of CNC mills and lathes. He's got this one mill that's huge, it's got a 6 x 10 foot table with a Z axis attachement and a 20 tool holder with, I think, a Fanuc controller. The thing is massive. He can send autocad files remotely from the inspection lab to any of the CNC machines out in the shop. That and about 5 diehard bridgeports, they're the best.
  24. Yeah, it's a Hase kit, I forgot to say that. Well I know that you can get a weapons kit, but I thought that some of these kits came with the Super and Strike Packs, and missiles like the VF-0 comes with its FAST Packs. If I'm under a rock, it's because I've never built a 1/72 Valk, just those tiny 1/144s from Macross 7. And on the kit's instructions, it doesn't quite say that you can bore out the holes to place pylons on them. FYI, you need to buy the weapons pack for pilots and munitions. You cannot however buy the fast packs separetly, if you want those you have to buy them as part of the super or strike VF-1's.
  25. I certainly hope those aren't the decals that come with the kit cuz I want the version that's in the show.
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