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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. Here's the back of the arm armor, I filled in the sides with two part putty and then coated it with Mr. Surfacer to smooth things out.
  2. I thought I would share this with you guys. I'm taking the Hasegawa Battroid and the Arii Armored battroid and meshing the two. This is my first custom/kitbash so it'll prolly take me a long time to get it right but it's something I've always wanted to do. The Armor won't be removable but that's ok, I don't play with my models anyway. I started with the arms, I'm using the whole arm for this part because it's pretty much visible from all angles.
  3. Hey thanks for sharing, the first page is new, the others were posted a while ago.
  4. Grayson72

    VF-0A kit

    Heh, yeah, if it says Hasegawa and Macross in the same line I order it.
  5. Hey you did rescribe the panel lines on the booster. Did you hand paint the whole thing? Or just the nozzles.
  6. Welcome to Macrossworld! this place is Macross central for toy and model collectors. Some of the great stuff you find for sale here can only be found on this site. I hope I didn't offend you with my posts, that was not my intention.
  7. Yup Future is the critical step. Especially if the paint was flat finish, you'll never get it off.
  8. I gotta tell ya that I tried everything and nothing worked as well as the future layer followed by an oil wash. You only have to let it dry for like 30 mins to an hour, and I wipe away with only a soft cloth, no thinner at all. Check out my recent VF-1J build in the models section, the panels came out great.
  9. What are you talking about, go check HLJ.com. Both are being re-released.
  10. I'm not saying the model is terrible, I mean he did a good job and all. I just think calling it "pro-built" is a stretch. After all the other similar models I've seen out their and on this board I'm just saying I don't think it's the highest quality I've seen.
  11. Wow that B17 is a probuilt model, good lord! I clicked on the link from this auction that shows more pics, the panel lines on the top of one of the booster packs haven't been rescribed either. No way would I spend 130 bucks.
  12. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...bayphotohosting
  13. Oooooh that's the last time I come to your defense.
  14. Heh, knowing John we'll get half of the most beautiful valk booster that has ever been created. Just kidding
  15. Dude you seriously gotta learn how to resize your pics before posting. Try using MS photoeditor, it's the simplest thing.
  16. See, I always believed in you buddy
  17. OMG OMG OMG OMG! Woohoo John! I know I'll be getting two!
  18. Wow that was fast, really happy to hear it's alive again. Would love to see pics even of the broken pieces as a teaser . When you said it was broken my first thought was "surely someone here could fix it no matter how badly is was broken". Sounds like I was right hurray!
  19. Perhaps Jesse thought it was disappointing because he was hoping for something new.
  20. Something a bit more difficult this time. I'm taking the Arii Armored Battroid and modifying it to fit a Hase battroid. It won't be removable but the head, hands, arms and leg bits will make it look much better. A long and expensive endeavor but oh well.
  21. I assume you're talking about that little orange thing on the side of the main intake? That's the color the instructions called for. Can you give me an example of what you're talking about for the yellow part on the wingtip?
  22. Heh, yeah I'm a nutcase alright, I drilled out the head lasers too. Glad you like the pics.
  23. The ever increasing force of arms:
  24. Another flightline pic:
  25. Another flightline pic:
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