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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. That's totally cool Ranger, I want a set.
  2. Cool, what's that thing on the back of the fighter?
  3. I'll have to try that carrot paint scheme on one of my valks.
  4. Totally agree with you on that one.
  5. Ok gotta jump in here: First, applause to promethuem5 for putting himself out there, sharing and openning himself up to criticizm in the first place. Applause to Tesujin for being as honest as possible. A few things to remember: If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all. And yes there is a good way to deliver an unpleasant message. Observe "Hey promethuem5 thanks for sharing those pics, they look to be painted in the classic style of gaming miniatures. Will you be trying some larger scale kits in the future? There's a lot of great modellers on this site that post all sorts of helpful tips and tricks for larger scale models. Not sure how exerienced you are with models but there's some great products out there to help you improve the overall look of your models even further. Tamiya putty can really help out with filling and smoothing seamlines. Hiding the seems where the parts go together can really enhance the look of the model" Like Neptune survey said, play nice. Grayson72
  6. Ah the virtues of an airbrush
  7. Man you don't fool around do you? I'm lovin' that. Did Rob come up with boxes, box art and instructions already?
  8. Wow I can't imagine not thinning my Tamiya paint before spraying. I thin mine about a 1:2 or 1:3 ratio of thiner to paint.
  9. Hey do you have access to a scanner, I really need a good scan of the decal sheet.
  10. So is that the 1/160 or the 1/200 version?
  11. I saw that, it looks like it's attached to the side of a building.
  12. You need to read the thread again then.
  13. OMG look at that thing, the detail, the perfection, the 1/72 scale, the...the... I think I'm gonna cry
  14. Yeah would like to see how your pastel technique comes out.
  15. Hey those are pretty sweet, lets see the nudes, hey it's art not porn.
  16. If you need more room on the sheet I'd cut the kite, skull and blue roses stuff. I've got so much of those I don't know what to do with them.
  17. Definately cool, I'll take a set, I'd really like a set of 1/72 Zentradi markings as well. Anasazi sells loads of decal sets without permission from "who the hell cares" and hasn't gotten into trouble. Jesse, BTW they're 1/72, says in his post. Oh the little kill marks of the Zentradi probably wouldn't be that useful in red and yellow. A set of white and a set a black would probably be the most useful.
  18. Yup, I'd take either of those, the second one is a nice color drawing.
  19. I'd kill to have all those obscure aircraft like the tunny in 1/72
  20. We have a winner! Now if only Gundamhead would reply back with prices and dates
  21. I guess you don't know much about casting but that would cost more than the model itself. Not to be rude but this isn't exactly a hobby for someone looking for an inexpensive way to pass the time or an inexpensive way to start a collection. The people around here shell out hundreds of dollars for the models they want, I've shelled out thousands.
  22. That's the VF-0B with the Space Proving Wing paint scheme and can be purchased here: http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?HSG65770
  23. Or maybe it's suposed to be Geronimo spider pod. Cuz like if you have to go out in the middle of a battle in that unarmed, unarmored thing you'd yell GERONIMOOOOOO before launching into the fray.
  24. Drool gurgle obscure mecha from Macross! please say you're gonna recast and sell it to me? It's name according the Robotech RPG book is The Searcher SFV. I don't know if it's correct but the names for all the other obscure mecha appear to be correct. Recast, please please please.
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