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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. Yes yes, please let us know your results. If it's possible I've got a lot of 1/100 stuff to blow up to 1/72
  2. I think everyone around here including myself uses some version of white glue, like Elmers glue. Microscale makes a version of this (I use this) and so does Model Masters from Testors.
  3. Assuming you are talking about the 1/72 Club-M one? That would be great, I'd buy one from ya. Gundamhead has a good idea though, just create some add-on parts for it. That kit is huge! (not sure if you've seen it first hand) and has very many parts, what a pain to recast. Then again, it's out of production so I don't think anyone is gonna scream if you did recast the whole thing with new parts. Especially since it's already been recast.
  4. Thanks man, can't wait to see it first hand!
  5. Any news on the spider bug casting from Gundamhead I believe he made it? The topic dropped off the forums.
  6. So what's the latest Jesse, are the models on there way to you? Then we'll pay you to ship them to us plus the split for the $90 bucks you shelled out to have them shipped from JP?
  7. The reason I say that is because we were the ones who went through the all the crap to get these models, paid out all the money, waited for two years, etc... I didn't go through all that just so everyone else could have an easy time getting access to them and for cheaper.
  8. Enough with the 1/48 thing, that ain't ever gonna happen. Besides this is the model section not the toy section.
  9. EXACTLY! That's all I need, a rough shape to get started with. Next to last question, if I soaked the mold to make it bigger do you think it would stay permanently larger or would it shrink back down when the naptha evaps? Just wondering how long I would have to cast a part in the enlarged mold. Last question, where do you get naptha? Would a hardware store have it? I'm definately going to try this technique, I've got several 1/100 models that I need in 1/72, muhawhawhawhaw!
  10. I think it would be really easy for them to create a Gerwalk kit, many of parts from the fighter version: nose cone, fuselage, intakes. Parts from the Super/strike kit: folded tail fin pack. Parts from the Battroid kit: arms and legs And then some new parts simply for the attachment of the arms and legs to the fuselage. Seems pretty simple. Of course you could probably kit bash these in short order but that would waste 2 to 3 kits.
  11. Oh man, that's a great tip! I actually need to increase the size of stuff. What the heck is naptha? Did it say how long to soak the molds?
  12. Now there's a great shot, thanks for sharing.
  13. Thanks for the pic, oh man that's sweet.
  14. I sense the young jedi does not mean what he speaks..... Why's that?
  15. Both these models are now available at HLJ for preorder! http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?HSG18 http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?HSG65775
  16. Never had a problem with HLJ, very pleased with them in fact, I use SAL shipping with them so I expect it to take forever.
  17. I assume you mean because HO is based on the original British railroad gauges that were based on the width of roman chariots, two horse widths.
  18. Nice work on weathering man, I don't think the flaps are meant to go up though, only down.
  19. Looks amazing Jesse, can't wait to get mine. Stop teasing and start mailing. I hope Rob kept track of who paid first.
  20. Anasazi made several sets for that particular model. Try him.
  21. OMG I don't believe it, after two years I'm gonna finally get my dragon model. I really don't care about decals at this point I've got bags of those I can use, the ones he included in his other kits sucked anyway. Don't anyone even mention the word recast.
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