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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. They look fine, are you wondering what they look like? The Dragon has gear wells like he was gonna make gear for them but there's actually none included as well as no gear doors either. I'll have to make covers or fill in with putty or something.
  2. Looks like another paint scheme of the 51 on that box art, I wonder if we'll see that as a kit too.
  3. I've actually made both kits, the old arms just came that way. Thanks for posting this link, we've seen the Destroid pics before, and I'm always impressed by the way he did them. The shading on the Defender kit and the different colors he used are really nice. His Hasegawa kit build ups seem to be hit and miss, like the Hikuru 1J and the low vis are very well done but the angel birds and the cannon fodder 1A are rather bland and look unfinished like he rushed it.
  4. Yes this was from WF 2004, the writting is totally unintelligble, not even some instructions and this kit has a tons of pieces.
  5. I always do when I complete one, I've only completed 8 Macross models over the past two years though. Did you see my Armored Battroid/Hase Battroid kitbash thread in the how to section? I'm kinda stuck on this one right now, I need to just bite the bullet and finish the thing but I'm at a part that I'm dreading
  6. Oh one more thing, the VF-19 conversion wings aren't on your list yet. They were made by Giga as well.
  7. Oh almost forgot, here's the mysterious Corydoras kit we could never figure out. Looks like the official mfg's name is Corydoras Works
  8. Just for kicks here's my stash I gotta start building, my stash runneth over.
  9. Here's the instructions and the set of custom decals I had Anasazi make for the kit.
  10. Here's the box top of the Club-M WF version of the VF-11. I noticed you've listed the Hasegawa event only kits so you might want to list this one as well. It didn't include the FP's so technically it's a different kit.
  11. Here's the insides of the X-9 box... blue resin??
  12. Here's the box of my X-9 Ghost, looks like it's made by the same company, EBO. Chris, I noticed you have this listed under JafCon9 as the mfg, I thought that was an event not a mfg. Mine doesn't say JafCon9 anwhere on it, just EBO.
  13. Here's the YF 21 conversion kit, nicest instructions on a GK I've seen.
  14. Ok here's some of the stuff Chris asked me for. Here's the 19 Battroid, I can't make out the chicken scratch URL so we may never know who made the thing. Really brilliant of these guys.
  15. Whoa, that's new, Platz did PE parts for the Mac zero models, gotta get some of those.
  16. So..>Grayson...would 1/24 be okay with you? How about 1/35, 1/55 or 1/60? Maybe 1/100 or 1/144? Uh no, 1/72 or 1/48 only smartass.
  17. Cuz they wanna keep it in scale with all the other 1/72 Macross models out there, not to match to toys.
  18. I think we can unpin this thread now, I'd really like to see it go away after all these years.
  19. That image doesn't look like the cool drawing you posted earlier though, totally different rocket config.
  20. Nope, and no landing gear either, I figured out where all the parts go though, It's pretty easy.
  21. Yeah got a huge package from Jesse on Saturday, it was like friggin Christmas. Two boosters, my Dragon kit, a Catseye kit, and some leftover parts from the 1/48 YF-19 project I was waiting for. The booster is amazing, I swear I don't know how you would go about creating something like that, it's so symetrical, so perfect, the detail is wonderfully on par with the Hasegawa kits. I can't wait to make one.
  22. Nice kitbash man! Looks very convincing, the paintjob is done really well too. I think I would have left the intake covers on though.
  23. Yeah he mentions that at the bottom when he talks about Klean Klay.
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