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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. Man I can't believe you're spraying enamels, talk about tough cleanup. I tried it at first when I got my airbrush just because I already had so many enamel paints but then figured it wasn't worth it and switched to acrylics. My local hobby shop carries both Tamiya and Gunze Aqueous.
  2. Oh and when you're wiping up the excess with a soft towel you don't need any of the spirits on it, it should just wipe off without anything.
  3. It has to be low oder mineral spirits, if you put on the future floor wax first it shouldn't matter how long you let it sit for, a few minutes or two days, the stuff always wipes right up for me.
  4. You told us what you're using for clear coats but didn't tell us what you're using for a wash?
  5. That's what I use, the Home Depot husky 100 gal aircompressor. Very noisy though so not good to use outside the garage.
  6. Hey wait a minute, I don't think she's wearing any underwear!!! Beautiful model man, thanks for sharing.
  7. No A-wing (I wish) that's the Jedi Starfighter. I wonder if they're gonna release more kits, I hope so.
  8. Got mine today along with my Slave 1 from fine molds. I can't believe it got here so fast and it was sent by SAL too.
  9. Except for those flaky people who still haven't paid Monkey-Nugget from the first booster order.
  10. I can't wait to see the vehicle, it will mark the first new Macross kit in years that doesn't fly.
  11. Damn that's a nice ass, I'd like to wear it as a hat
  12. Got all my Mr. X stuff at Best1hobby.com. very reliable.
  13. Why oh why can't you understand that this is about model building and not toys.
  14. I can't believe you didn't use a basecoat paint, your'e a brave man. Makes things extra hard cuz your seams have to be really well hidden. Nice job.
  15. Cool, nice pic, can you go and edit your others now?
  16. Dude you did it again, don't post any more pics till you can figure out how to resize them. 640x480, house rules.
  17. Actually the QF-9000 Ghost is at the top of my list of models I want.
  18. It also needs to be moved to the how to models section.
  19. I haven't used primer for anything but checking to see if my surfaces are flat, otherwise I don't use it, not even on resin. Mods can you move this thread to the how to section.
  20. The CF color I used was Gunze Aqueous Tan. Here's a shot of mine with that color.
  21. TH is a little too Gundamish for my taste, even the color scheme looks like one.
  22. Dude your plane is filthy time to go through the autowash (they're free ya know with a full tank of gas ) Hey it looks great, I really like the CF paint scheme, all the weathering is great. I love the missing ordnance too. Appreciate the acknowledgement as well. Keep up the good work and share more. Grayson72
  23. I'd buy any Macross anything that was 1/72 so I put all three, however the Thunder Hammer kit would definately be at the bottom of my list. I have no interest in variable kits BTW. I think after you build one of these from the list you should take another broad based poll on what other kits to build. There's so many choices out there. There was a whole thread on what other kits people would like to see. For example I'd love a VA-3 Invader in 1/72.
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