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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. Thanks for the kind words, I have no idea where this version came from cuz it wasn't in the video's. It is the SPW, the Space Proving Wing. So I imagine these would be fitted with the nuclear engines and will be their first foray into space. Maybe you need a two man crew for space ventures? One to fly and one to collect data or something.
  2. Oh crap, I gotta find that, it broke off a long time ago and I completely forgot about it. Thanks!
  3. Here's a shot of some of my tools I posted in another thread.
  4. For panel line scribing I use several tools, one is a set of Hasegawa line scribing saws I got from HLJ. I also have various other scribing tools I got from that hobbysearch.com store. They've got great tools. Here's the line up not including the B that was just done.
  5. Ooooh that one is sweet lookin' nicely done.
  6. Thanks, I had to rescribe the panel lines but the right tools always makes it easy. This makes model number 8 that I've done in two years, only 170 more to go .
  7. Ok finally finished this one, was pretty fun to build, easier than the VF-1 series too. The color scheme and the decals were a lot of fun too.
  8. You know, there are a lot of great models out there, but there are very few, like this one who managed to not only build a great model, but take a very cool picture of it! This is a really unique angle and I don't think I've seen anyone take a picture quite like this. Just like someone said, it's not just about the model, it's about the picture too! Awesome picture! Anyway, I hope this thread is still around by the time I finish my Strike. Hey thanks! I was a bit surprised myself when I saw this one. The canopy looks all shiny and reflective, kinda realistic looking.
  9. Yup, what a pain in the ass!
  10. Alright here's a few of mine, Twin 1A's
  11. Very nicely done, just the way I like to build mine.
  12. I thought we were gonna cool it on the recast thing?
  13. Pretty sure this has been discussed before but to make the point again. This is not a cheap hobby to be in. Those who want to have the really rare models fork over big cash for them. And just like in any hobby, cars, stamps or coins, everyone can't always afford the most expensive really rare items. The recasting is definately unique to modelling and does reduce the price somewhat, however the rarity = high price still exists. I suggest the Hasegawa kits if your looking to spend $30 bucks.
  14. Cuz you joined MW 5 months after this thread started
  15. Am I the only one who noticed the gaping seemlines? You did a great job on the paint scheme, but you should really slow down and work on the some more of the details.
  16. I know what you mean, I saw that in the instructions but I don't know what it's for either.
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