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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. Did you happen to put it over a laquer finish? That happened to me once.
  2. Nice man! those look absolutely flawless, thanks for sharing!
  3. Lol, hey I got it the first time! Look at me!!! Hahahahaha
  4. Veriwhat?
  5. Where did you get that?
  6. Hey kajnrig, so you don't mention how much experience you have with 3D modeling but I've done quite a bit of research in this area and played with a lot of tools. Unfortunately none of the tools I have found work in a logical easy user interface manner (it's like these software developers have never used PowerPoint to draw anything). The absolutey easiest one to use by far for starting out is Tinkercad. I would suggest starting with this if you have zero experince in 3D modeling. Then move on to 123D design, both programs are free and are created by Autodesk, the makers of AutoCAD. 123D design has a slicker interface than Blender but a lot of the more advanced functionality in 123D design is buried whereas blender provides it all upfront which can be overwhelming. In addition Blender has a lot of functionality that is way above and beyond what you need for 3D modeling (such as creating 3D animation for games and film). Shapways has a great review of a lot of these tools here: http://www.shapeways.com/creator/tools?li=nav Hope this helps
  7. This is really cool but we need pictures of your in progress work please!!!
  8. Wow that is absolutely brilliant! The scratch built components look like the came with the kit. I'm soooo copying this if I ever get around to building that launch arm. Thanks for sharing!!!
  9. What is your source for modern buildings please?
  10. Which 3D printer is this being done on?
  11. Event starts on February 7th, anyone know what Macross goodness will be offered? I'm assuming Experten's 1/72 5000 Valkyrie will be there.
  12. Mechtech which museum do you volunteer at?
  13. What's the update on this?
  14. I don't care what color the resin is in, I'm gonna paint mine anyway, just as long as I get the thing in my hands I'm happy.
  15. Definitely down for a 1/72 unpainted rabbit.
  16. Here's one I built over ten years ago, 1/72 scale by garage kit company EBO
  17. Yup always wanted the stargoose. Pretty thing,
  18. Hi Mike, sent you a PM with my order
  19. Anything in 1/72 I'm down for.
  20. Oh and always dry fit parts together prior to gluing them. There's nothing worse than going to put two parts together and discovering that they don't fit AFTER you've applied the glue.
  21. I'll echo what Chas said about seem lines. If you want your model to look like a pro built it you need to get rid of those darn seem lines. When we say seem lines we are talking about where two halves of a part go together or that darn canopy line.
  22. I'd like to get a 1/72 version unpainted please.
  23. Well done cool8or! I totally missed this thread! I'm in for 1 please.
  24. I'm wondering the same thing, upgrade sets shouldn't be a Wonderfest only thing.
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