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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. I thought the bike part looked pretty darn sweet. I think chrome kits were meant to be collectibles, never to be put together. How can you possibly cut the parts from the sprues without having it mess up the chromy part. No way can you fill seems or even touch it with sandpaper and the glue doesn't glue chrome very well either. An impossible build to begin with, I'd say you did it justice.
  2. Grayson72


    I'd take one too.
  3. Grayson72

    1/72 VF-4

    I had a copy of the MIM version and it totally sucked, avoid at all costs.
  4. Yeah I went through the same thing with Tanmen, while I'd punch him in the nose if I ever met the guy I agree with Jesse on the recast issue.
  5. Grayson72


    Yeah the thing cost like 80 dollars to ship here from Japan.
  6. I'd start the bidding at $40 dollars if you're gonna put it up on Ebay.
  7. Yup, it's a 1/72 scale ad-on for the Hasegawa kit and incredibly well made, I can't wait to build it.
  8. At $300 I'm in, you know I'm good for it too.
  9. Yo Capt. what's next on the menu, didn't get a response in the booster thread?
  10. It can be both, just depends on which version 1000, 1500, 2000. 2000 I belive is the thinnest and is great from priming. I've thinned 1000 with Laquer thinner and it was just fine.
  11. No the battroids were bigger than the average Zentradi soldier. Bretai was unusually large so he like as big or bigger than the battroids in the scene he shared with them. He most likely wouldn't have fit into a pod.
  12. Hey cool a claymation valk Thanks for sharing the pics, in the future please reduce your pics to 640x480 in accordance with Macrossworld posting guidelines.
  13. Grayson72


    Isn't that just the Hasegawa Model? If it is your a little late to the party my friend.
  14. Hey what happened to the progress on the vehicle or the other creations planned by John and MonkeyN?
  15. I can't believe it, it's...it's...it's a VF-1!!!!
  16. See, our own frickin' decal genius and you didn't even know about it. Good thing you asked.
  17. That'd be the easiest thing to do.
  18. Cool! I finally fall into the adult category, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!
  19. Yeah painting everything on the sprue is not typical.
  20. I think windex should work too, I just use straight household amonia but that's what I have on hand. No it won't damage the model at all, try a test piece of you like.
  21. Oh geez don't waste your time sanding off acrylics, dunk in a bowl of household amonia and gently scrub with an old toothbrush, that stuff will come off instantly.
  22. Amen Brother! The only reason I'd get a variable model is so I can have a mode like guardian that isn't produced in a static version.
  23. Heh, thanks, sad part is that's an old pic, about 10 models and several hundred dollars ago, the collection is even worse now.
  24. I use Tamiya putty and Mr. Surfacer, also a tip from WM Cheng; use the old testors glue on non-critical seems, if you use an ample amount the glue will squish out and fill in any seems so you have a minimal amount of filling and sanding afterwards. Also, I find priming plastics more trouble than they're worth since they interfere with the glue process. Also, it helps to study the plans first and try to figure out what subassemblies can be completed before attaching to other components. The more of this you do the easier it will be for fit and finish of the parts. (example here would be the gear and weels on the model). Also, go ahead and "collect" that Cyclone model but it's definately not for newbies, trust me on this one. Just put it away in your closet until your skills are up to par. WARNING! this may be habit forming
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