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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. Cough cough choke choke, for a 1/144 kit, wow!
  2. I did count those that wanted two, I still come up with 39 models on the list on the first page.
  3. 11 more to make 50, come on people, it's the Captain we're talking about.
  4. Nice model, one thing I could never stand about some versions of the monster is the way they have the barrels configured. Two pointing in one direction the other two pointing in another. I haven't read or seen anything that says the barrels can move independantly so it doesn't make any sense to me. What if they wanna shoot the same target with all four barrels at the same time? Thoughts?
  5. The smoke dischargers you could steal from any tank kit. They look pretty standard.
  6. How would vacuform allow more flexibility for modellers?
  7. I use Tamiya and Gunze acrylics interchangeably depending on what kind of colors are needed.
  8. Yeah, it's like January here , this will be the 3rd day this week that i lost at working on casting and projects, any day it snows i can't take my daughter to daycare and end up watching Elmo and Barney instead of working.....don't get me wrong i love my kid but i got stuff to do Hey I feel for ya buddy, watching Elmo and Barney is never a good thing. The songs, THE SONGS, oh how they stick in your brain...la la la la, la la la la Elmo's World MAKE IT STOP!
  9. Snow? is it still snowing in places in the US, it's 75 and sunny with a cool breeze in Sacramento
  10. Hey, thanks for the great info Honneamise, and welcome to the boards.
  11. Looks great Jesse, I like the layout and how you have each model have it's own section for pics.
  12. I think you missed my previous post, the box tops are to long for my scanner.
  13. Oh my gosh I just went to scan in my box tops and realized my scanner isn't big enough either!
  14. Hey while you're pondering Zentradi stuff don't forget about the Scout pod as well.
  15. Me too, that would be preferable than having to buy 3 $125 kits so I can have all three variants
  16. Or just state the price for making 15 to 20 for the people who wanted it and see if they're still interested.
  17. I can always help ya out, which box tops.
  18. "You keep using tha word, I do not think it means wha you think it means"
  19. Hasegawa isn't necessarily easy as opposed to very well made. If you're going for perfection with no seems and perfect paint etc. any model will require filling and sanding. If you want to just glue the thing together and have it look ok then yes as far as fit goes Hasegawa rules (at least on the VF-1 series)
  20. "I do not accept excuses, I'm just going to have to find myself a new giant" ~ Vizzini
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