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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. Ok you're gonna have to explain that one now
  2. Yeah damn my Hasegawa completist mentallity, I'll have to get this one, of course that makes three SV-51's so I can make a Ivanov version, the pink version and a CF version now.
  3. Grayson72

    Macross MMO

    What's leet speak?
  4. For you maybe, not for the rest of us who can't make a blob of clay look good.
  5. Yeah I have the Gundamhead 1/72 version, it was one of his early sculpts though so it could be better. No offense Gundamhead.
  6. Yeah the pic on the main page is of a Yamato prototype that was photoshopped. My model won't be dirty, it's actually been painted for months now but the other arm and the missiles were holding up the completion. I have a question though, what color are those missiles in the arms supposed to be, I thought they were just white but maybe not.
  7. Grayson72

    Macross MMO

    You know what would be fun though is if it were a MMO that was setup like Battlefield 1942, someone with enough skill could even do a mod with it. Someone did one with modern equipment and it was awesome.
  8. Oh yeah, I'm with ya on that one.
  9. I hope they do the booster on the VF-0 above it, that'd be cool. Not that impressed witht he little suckers on the wings of the SV-51 though.
  10. Can someone post a screen cap from episode #5
  11. Ok after a very long hiatus I'm back working on this sucker. Good lesson with this kit, if you do a part that you dreading (I'm talking about the arm sections here) make sure you do both sides at the same time or you'll never get back to the other side . Anyway, I finally am finishing up the other arm and was trying to figure out how to make the 3 missiles that fit into the arms. The original ones were too wide since I reduced the widths of the arms. I mocked up some new missiles and thought I would try my hand and recasting the original. For a first try they came out pretty good.
  12. Hey cool! sounds like a fast pack version! I never saw it though in Mac zero (cuz I didn't see the whole thing ). It's more expensive than the VF-1 supers.
  13. It really is unbelievable how you can start with a ball of sculpting stuff and come up with something that looks so perfect like it was produced by Hasegawa or something. Really incredible Cap.
  14. Grayson72

    SDF-1 1/8000

    That's pretty cool lookin' man!
  15. Wow $505 w/shipping. Whoever won this sucker probably isn't a member here. Congrats Rob!
  16. Not sure what you're talking about not thinning, the artist's oil comes in a tube?? Consistency of toothpaste??
  17. If you have an airbrush I'd spray the future on. It can go on straight, no thinning. Do several light coats so you don't get runs. If you brush the future on you could get a reaction with the future and the base coat since they're both acrylic. Never had that problem with the airbrush though. I don't know what turpenoid is, but I use low odor mineral spirits and mix that with oil paints from the art supply store. If you get a nice glossy finish with the future the thin mixture you make with the artists oil should flow right into the panel lines. Let it dry for an hour or so and the excess should just wipe off with a soft rag. Remember to wipe perpendicular to the lines. . I don't like shiny models so I always follow up with a flat laquer finish to seal everything in, but it's not necessary.
  18. What's the base coat that you used? Are you gonna spray it with Future first?
  19. Hey looks really good Gabe, what's your plan for the panel lines. It definately needs it to put that finishing touch on it.
  20. LOL, why is it every model thread we have some lurker from the toy section's gotta say "If only Yamato would produce one for us!". Yamato is a lost cause, they have abandoned you, convert or die!
  21. Nah he's only got one, I've got the other
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