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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. Yeah with my luck I'd lose some vital part to one of my $200+ rare resin kits.
  2. Really!? You'd be my best friend So when ya movin'?
  3. Heh, always my dilemma, trying to figure out what to build next. I have this build queue going that I'm forever changing.
  4. If you read the post he says he's moding some vehicles to make them look futuristic.
  5. Yeah what job lets you build models on company time?
  6. http://www.hlj.com/overview/hlj_contact.html Looked real hard did ya? Geez
  7. Ok those are sooo cool! Any chance you'd make those in say 1/72 scale? You look like you can scratch build anything.
  8. I use white glue to glue down my canopies, after I finish the cockpit I glue it on there and it makes a great cover whilst painting the fuselage. I use acrylics so once I'm done with the fuselage I rip off the canopy and use household ammonia to clean off the paint from the canopy. After I'm done with the whole model I still glue down the canopy with white glue, or whatever that stuff is from the people who make Microsol.
  9. Yay Gundamhead! That was very nice of you to donate to them. They put it up at a reasonable price I thought. Did you just give them the master and they cast it up themselves (just curious). Mine's on it's way, can't wait to get it. Thanks again for your awesome creations.
  10. I bought a extra set of VT-1 decals from HLJ. Just go to their site and find the replacement parts link and it will tell you what to do.
  11. Deployed? Didn't realize you were in the military, what branch? You going to Iraq?
  12. Sorry no kit for me, but you do make an excellent point that I haven't thought of before. What a great way to get started on making a custom kit. It's the getting started that I always struggle with, if I had a paper craft model of an unusual Macross subject that I could convert to styrene sheets that would be awesome! As long as I had a rough shape to start with I could mod and smooth to my hearts content. Things that make ya go hmmm....(rubs chin)
  13. I love the way that twin canopy looks
  14. So has anyone done any customs of the Alphas yet? Realy cleaned up the seams and coverd the screw holes etc...?
  15. Hey thanks for the heads up! I'm curious why someone wouldn't come here first to market their Macross products, hello!
  16. Ha! my suspicions have been confirmed! Just kidding, hey we all have lives and more important things than this little hobby of ours so don't beat yourself up over it.
  17. Oh neither do I but ya gotta give credit were credit is due, the German war machines they built were unbelievable. But if you're gonna take over the world don't expend a million of your troops trying to take Russia in the middle of winter.
  18. Man they had so many advanced weapons by the end, it's a good thing Hitler was a military idiot and didn't listen to his commanders.
  19. Nice diorama, or should I say playset? Come on how many times have you setup your models to do a surprise attack from behind the rock, huh huh, you can tell us, it's ok
  20. They don't need ladders the pilots have magic anime jump capabilities. I'd love to see the ladder they use to climb in this thing. The cockpit edge is 3 meters off the ground! 310217[/snapback]
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