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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. Looks like a cool custom, the arms look a bit odd though.
  2. No Jessee plans to put all the fan created kits in that section too.
  3. The models section on the main site is where this information you're proposing is supposed to be housed. It's being updated currently by jesseemeyers.
  4. Yup I remember him, he used to operate the store out of his basement way back in the 80's. Then he moved to a nicer actual store location near golden gate park. The store was still there a few years back but I don't know if its gone now. I don't know about hobbyfan but I know he is RX93 on ebay.
  5. I always use pipe cleaners to clean out my airbrush, I dip them in lacquer thinner and run them through. Comes out very clean.
  6. You know that stuff is lacquer based right? You can get the same colors in Gunze Aqueous colors which are acrylic based.
  7. Here's the flightline of all my flying Macross models I've made so far. Also a shot of the cockpit I forgot to include originally
  8. Here's some shots of the 1D and the VT together.
  9. Hello everyone, can't tell you how much I appreciate your inputs and that you all like it so much. I'll take some more photos tonight of the flightline and the VT-1 and 1D together. Melissa - the airbrush I use is a Millenium Paasche with the finest tip I can buy. It's the only airbrush I've ever used so I have nothing to compare it to but I've been very happy with it and it's gotten great reviews. The Paasche VL is most similar to the Millenium, in fact it uses all the VL's parts. Ran me 80 bucks. Colors: (same as the VT-1) Orange - Gunze Aqueous orange and yellow mixed to the Hasegawa specs Tan - Gunze Aqueous Radome Grey - Tamiya German Grey (I just can't bring myself to paint that armor blue like Hase wants) Main Thrusters - Alclad lacquer steel, pale burnt metal & jet exhaust All other thrusters - Alclad Lacquer steel
  10. Wow that's coming out awesome. Did you finish reading Harry Potter yet?
  11. Well I finally finished another kitbash. This is the Bandai Variable VF-1D and the resin WF Corydoras super/strike kit from Japan. While I'm not normally a fan of variable kits, I had this one well before Hasegawa ever released anything and since I spent so much money on the add-on kit I figured what the hell. It was a fun build and a unique subject as well. I musta built 10 of these back in high-school, what a walk down model building memory lane The decals are a combination from the kit and leftover Hasegawa ones. The Hasegawa decals really gave it a lot of detail and realism, I copied the placement of most of them from the Hasegawa super kit. The big VF on the legs isn't cannon but I put them on there for nostalgia reasons. I gotta hand it to whoever originally engineered this thing, fully variable (though not perfect transformation) working gear, fully poseable. It's quite a feat of engineering especially since these kits are like 20 years old. The resin add on kit however was a piece of crap and definately not worth the $65 I spent on it. Full of bubbles and warped pieces not to mention missing some parts, it was mostly ripped from the old non transformable super valk kits. The kit also came with parts for a strike version as well but I thought that was a little too overboard for a 1D. The front section of one of the boosters I had to cutoff and toss because it was so messed up (looked like it was all shriveled). I cut a new part off from an old super valk kit I had (you get to guess which one it is). The parts that were missing from the kit were all the vernier's for the super armor. I ordered every add-on vernier kit available from HLJ. Two of the packs I recieved had the perfect replacements for the missing pieces so I'm pretty happy with the results. Anyway, enjoy the pics.
  12. Just ordered some noseart from them, and yes they are top notch.
  13. Do you mean the Yukikaze FAND II from Platz? I hear those Platz Yukikaze kits are very very very nice. 314740[/snapback] I have all three Yukikaze kits from Platz and yes they're unbelievable. The gray resin looks like injected plastic. 314959[/snapback] What about the canopies? In pics of finished kits they seem to be opaque or sometimes they look as if cast in a solid block of tinted clear resin. Is there really no detailed cockpit? I remember the Bandai EX 1/100 had cockpit details but on the whole looked less impressive with a toylike landing gear. I haven´t seen the series yet so the non-see-through cockpit may be correct, just wanted to know what to expect. Platz make excellent models, my first one was a 1/144 Mustang I built a few months ago. Detailed like a 1/72 or 1/48 with decals for five different machines! 315032[/snapback] Yeah I'm not crazy about how they did the canopy/cockpits, they are either encapsulated within a chunk of clear plastic or they're non-existent. But I still think they're awesome.
  14. Do you mean the Yukikaze FAND II from Platz? I hear those Platz Yukikaze kits are very very very nice. 314740[/snapback] I have all three Yukikaze kits from Platz and yes they're unbelievable. The gray resin looks like injected plastic.
  15. What!? traitor in our midst
  16. Forgot to ask, what type of masking film do you use? Like micromask or like mr. masking sol? Micromask usually strip my paintjob, how should I remove it? 313422[/snapback] I've tried that stuff, it did the same thing to me so I stopped using it for large areas. I use the Tamiya tape and then if there's tiny corners and bits that didn't get covered with the tape then I'll apply the masking goop over the tape and onto the tiny bit of model itself. When I pull of tape the masking goop comes up with it.
  17. I got mine yesterday. It's a cool little kit, the chest peice is a bit warped and the details on the chest peice are a bit shallow and fuzzy. It almost looks like the rubber molds are wearing out for the chest peice. No fault of the sculptor however, it's a great conversion.
  18. Let the toy guys solve that one, in the toys section.
  19. Well in the model section Jessee is actually adding scans of each kits decals so that should solve the library issue.
  20. Hurray you're back! I'd almost given up hope!
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