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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. That's correct. They will be sent to me shortly from Germany. I'm holding off sending kits to those who've contacted me saying they've been affected by the recent Hurricane devastation. Please send me a PM if you'd like me to delay shipping the kit to you if you've been affected. Regards, Chad
  2. Do you have any other models? Like the Hasegawa ones? I can't understand why if you're a beginning modeler why'd you'd want to spend so much on such an advanced model. Start with something a little more simple.
  3. Are you being serious about your mom? Cuz like damn
  4. I second that!! Excellent job there. 325094[/snapback] I third that, oh brother nothing fancy. Please share your shading technique
  5. I've updated the order list here Order list with who has paid and which models have been shipped already. Let me know if I missed something, looks like the rest of the models will be shipping to me shortly, woohoo! Darklord I added you to the list so if you want to get in on this first batch (only batch?) and the discounted bulk shipping from Germany then I'd suggest you PM honneamise ASAP.
  6. Well for YF-19's you've got some choices. In the 1/72: Hasegawa YF-19 (plastic kit), the cheapest and most readily available with good quality, fighter only. Club-M YF-19 (resin), highest detail, difficult to find and will run you upwards of $150.00, also fighter only. Wonderfest event only kits (resin), there's several battroid only kits in this scale but are rare and very expensive $200+. There is also a fully variable YF-19 kit put out by SHE (I think) (also resin). It's somewhere between 1/100 scale and 1/72 scale. It's extremely rare and extremely expensive. The big draw to this is it's variable (all 3 modes) but not all that detailed (this is usually the tradeoff) I'm sure there's more out there but the 1/72 scale is all I know. Welcome to Macrossworld.
  7. That build looks sweet, love the color scheme. Looks like when you put those orange inserts in it split the whole side of the fuselge. That doesn't look like a touch-up job more like a do-over.
  8. That's a cool looking fighter, what scale is that?
  9. The wha wha what? Dude you're all hooked up in the modeling community, I'm jealous.
  10. Hi William, for me the most useful greeblies would be things found in a hangar diorama inside a spaceship. Stuff that you might see on the walls and such, sorry I can't be more specific than that.
  11. Some cool pics, the one with the VF-1D cockpit attached to the battroid arm is cool.
  12. Hey that's a cool design, for those of us not in the know what story are you referring to?
  13. Well I started both of my sets of weapons for the the Hasegawa kits after I finished the variable Super VF-1D but the Battlefiled 2 and Warcraft got ahold of me.
  14. That looks really awesome HWR can't wait to see the finished strike.
  15. That's what I was going to suggest, moisture, have you drained/aired out your compressor lately?
  16. 12 inch? get a dinner plate and paint a logo on it
  17. But what about the 5" for the inflight models with a rod?
  18. You may want to reconsider. The bugeye is a little bit bigger. The Monster is 41m long the Bugeye is 126m long. Monster in 1/72 = 22.4" Bugeye in 1/72 = 68.8" Now, if you got that much space, it ought to go to a 1/350 Prometheus at 57.5". Or 1/200 to use the Nichimo kits, but it'll be 100.7" We need a Macross museum, and be able to accept donations, and lotsa space for big projects. Mslz22, that's coming along very nicely! 323111[/snapback] Oh well my bad
  19. Thanks William, all kits are 1/72 scale. Personally for aircraft with gear deployed I like the 6" at least for the VF's. Just looks good proportional to the size of the aircraft you could make it even bigger and I think it would still work. I like the thin one on this size too, it'd be better cost wise. This also would show off whatever design is underneath it. The smaller size I'd prefer for battroid and inflight with a rod. The gear down pic seems like it would block whatever design would be on the base. Those are my thoughts. I'll be starting off ordering one of each of whatever you produce
  20. So since it looks like you're not afraid of large modeling projects how bout next on the build list a Zentradi Recon Scout Bugeye? It'd be big but not larger than the monster. The Imai kit is 1/720 so you'd just have to blow up the dimnsions 10x, you can borrow mine if you want I know this is way preliminary but I thought I'd plant that seed in your mind while I thought of it.
  21. Agree with HWR on this point, not only is it a resin kit, it's the most complex resin kit I've seen not to mention it has photo etch parts which is a whole other can of worms.
  22. That's an original and is a collectors item, $350 is inline with the value of that kit. Also, If you're looking for cheap resin kits or cheap collectors Macross models you're gonna be dissapointed a lot.
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