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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. Interesting discussion, I felt I had to chime in, I'm 33 and watch all manner of cartoons, many started out as stuff my 6 year old would watch but then they started growing on me. For example some of the episodes of Jimmy Neutron, Fairly Odd Parents and Spongebob are hilarious. At my age I'm "mature" enough not to care what other people think. Let's look at the definition of immature: (from Websters online) 1. Not fully grown or developed. See Synonyms at young. 2. Marked by or suggesting a lack of normal maturity So the first definition seems to point to being young or youthfull, at 33 I'll take all the youth I can get. The second definition points to a vague word we all know as "normal", what's normal? If you could follow a hundred different people around for a week with a video camera you'd learn that no one is "normal". There also seems to be a lot of discussion in this thread around what's for children what is for adults. As you get older I hope you all come to realize the distinction between childish and childlike. Having two young children myself I can tell you that they have some childlike qualities that I wish more adults have: honesty, ability to see things from a completely open point of view, unconditional love, the ability to experience pure joy. They also have some childish qualities that I see all too often in adults that they could do without: selfishness, whining for what they want, tantrums when they don't get their way, etc... So next time you find yourself doing something you "feel" could be perceived as childish or immature, ask yourself; am I being childish or childlike? Who am I worried about thinking me immature and out of the "norm" and what sicko things does that person do when they're home alone with the lights out...
  2. grayson, is kanata talking toy stuff again? 328838[/snapback] I think he is, I'll grab the pitchforks and you grab the torches, we'll incite the villagers together
  3. Alclad paints I have are, jet exhaust, steel, aluminum, pale burnt metal.
  4. Well I think he's a newbie to MW not to modeling. 328663[/snapback] Yes, u r right. newbie to MW. And newbie to "Hasegawa Macross model". But not newbie to modeling. 328668[/snapback] I figured, no model newbie would produce models of that quality.
  5. Well I think he's a newbie to MW not to modeling.
  6. Hey Chad, Great minds think alike!! (fools seldom differ ) Nice car! I too love it (originally I just loved the look of the thing - but now having been on the track, I can't believe how it handles!) Don't you love the type68 M-rims, I was hoping to get a set of replicas for my winter tires too (can't afford the BMW OEMs again - luckily they came with the car) I also prefer the pre-facelifted headlights like ours - they look more M3 like. Yeah, I was thinking of getting body coloured reflectors too - but with the OEM clears I had on the cars already, I'm in no hurry yet (plus there's all these new Macross goodies, GBP, VF-0S and the FM M.Falcon - I've gotta watch my spending). Plus I need winter tires & wheels in the next few months! I thought about getting the BMW OEM rear spoiler for our car though (not the M3 lip) its quite unusual, very few people have it, plus its understated without being too pimp (maybe next year) 328241[/snapback] Too funny, I fell in love with the looks of it as well. I could've cared less what it drove like but then I actually drove the thing and fell in love all over again. I was actually thinking about getting the M3 lip. It's very understated and doesn't detract from the overall lines of the car. Sometimes I do feel like a bit of a snob driving it around though, especially when I'm at a stop light and I look over and see some 50 year old dude driving a Geo Metro. Then again I get a lot of looks from the ladies sitting in it.
  7. Yeah we want to see all your valks Welcome to Macrossworld, where the heck have you been?
  8. Hey William, we got almost the identical car! I've got an '02 330Ci in the same titanium color. Looks like you got better financing than I did though. Mine's fully loaded as well, sports package, premium package, M series 17's, 225HP god I love that thing. Handles like a dream with the tuned suspension. I've been on ebay doing a bit of customization. I change the shifter to the matching burlwood trim that's inside the car. I got rid of those stupid orange reflectors on the front bumper and installed some that are painted like the car. I also got rid of the drivers side door keyhole with a painted piece that replaces it, makes the whole thing look a lot more smooth and uniform. I installed the universal garage door openner (can't figure out why this didn't some standard, hello?) and installed the factory alarm, stupid thing is you have to have the dealer activate it for $120 bucks, how lame is that. Anyway congrats, the movie biz must be treating you better than you lead on. I posted a pic of mine earlier in this thread here http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...c=12741&st=1000
  9. I was thinking about entering my variable Super VF-1D in gerwalk mode, what do you guys think?
  10. They are a pain and while I appreciate your thoroughness, you'll never see those pin marks once it's together.
  11. Really great job LTSO, it looks fantastic, I love the ARMD's too.
  12. LTSO that's a great tip! Is that your's in the picture? Oh and Dax, no it usually requires you punching a hole in the valk in some place inconspicuous.
  13. I love the folks at Squadron, talk about going out of their way for customer service.
  14. I would doubt it, but you can get a brass rod at any hardware store for cheap.
  15. I'd recommend a gray wash on the black part instead of pure white. It may come out looking too stark and unrealistic.
  16. I know www.valkyrie-exchange.com might have a few kits in stock. Kevin who owns the store is a member here. Very reputable.
  17. Watched the video and I must say I'm just in awe, you took a cartoon image and turned it into reality. Totally impressive.
  18. Quick update, I heard from William, he said they are moving ahead with production of a 5" thick and a 7" thin base, both with the kite symbol. This is their first foray into Macross and he has stated that startup costs for the bases are fairly expensive so it's understandable that he wants to test the market first with a few designs. I'm sure after initial sales do well there will be more bases coming, i.e. the Zentradi symbol and the skull squadron. I know I've got lots of models that need all kinds of bases. Cheers
  19. Yup, get the Hasegawa line, start with any of the VF-1's, cheap and readily available. Welcome to Macrossworld and back to Macross modeling... you're in sooo much trouble
  20. I've never seen Crusher Joe and don't know what it's about but some of the designs that came out of that show were pretty darn sweet. So sweet that the FASA ripped them off.
  21. Ok I'm sorry I asked, I have a headache now (thank you very much). I'm gonna take some pain meds and go to bed.
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