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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. That's really cool, looks like a great job. As far as the fins explanation that's pretty straightforward. They fold, just like many modern missiles do out of the shoot have folding fins and they popout. I'm sure you've seen those big pods mounted on helo's that hold 20 or so missiles, they're called FFAR's Folding Fin Aerial Rockets. So how did you make the little missile?
  2. Heh, saw that too, makes sense though. Instead of having 10 boxes lying around full of the same parts why not cut them off the sprues and sort them into boxes. That way if one day you feel like making a VF-1S you can just grab the parts you need and throw it together. Could prolly even preassemble some of the parts so all you'd have to do was sand and paint.
  3. Did you use pure white for the white parts or is it a subtle shade of gray?
  4. Ken, the parts that are more gray are made with C-4, don't drop them LOL
  5. That's a really nice paint job man, love the white, gives it a current space era feel.
  6. You all should have plenty of bags to go grocery shopping with ha ha
  7. Are there fictional designs in Ace combat? I thought it was all based on real aircraft. I only looked at AC5 though.
  8. I hope you're right, I'm not a big fan of Vinyl models.
  9. Really really awesome isn't it, I'm totally in awe. Yes a 1/72 QF-3000 Ghost would be awesome.
  10. There's a chance that it's being put out by Wave, thanks for the pic
  11. The Macross products that Wave has traditionally made are either vinyl or resin and are model kits
  12. Don't forget your protective eyeware, after a lot of laquer spraying one day my eyes were on fire
  13. Ok ok You've all guilted me into buying a mask, can I get one at the HD?
  14. If you can actually find one, and she wants to go out with you, more power to ya pal.
  15. You can, you say, I like sex and I like toys, hopefully you find a woman who likes them together
  16. What color scheme are you going with for the Valk William? I was just going to go with the CF color and white for the booster.
  17. All but one of the kits has been shipped this AM. They went out USPS priority mail flat rate with delivery confirmation. It should only be a few days now before you all have your kits in your hot little hands. I've updated the order list, check page 2 of this thread. Ranger I'll hold on to your kit until I hear from you. Chad
  18. I still wish you'd make an ARMD the same scale as the Oberth. There's gotta be someway to break it up so it's doable.
  19. Totally agree, you can build a model in a moat you can build a model in a boat. You can build a model here or there, you can build a model anywhere. I do not like your excuses yes you can, I do not like your excuses Vice da man.
  20. That does look a bit thin, however I don't think those are thruster ports
  21. The Oberth kits are IN! All arrived safe and sound all the way from Deutschland! I examined one of the packages and OMFG! This model is better than most of the garage kits I have from Wonderfest. It comes in a perfect little box, custom artwork on the label (I mean come on), hand drawn instructions (in English no less), not to mention the model itself. Perfectly cast, hardly any bubbles and flash to be found, fit is perfect and the sculpt is just brilliant (not to mention assembly is idiot proof, no questions where parts go). In fact it's all so perfect I've decided to keep them all and build myself an Oberth armada Muhawhawhawhaw! Jusk Kidding, I'll send these out ASAP. Honneamise you absolutley have to bless us with another kit, please please please!
  22. No offense Dean, I was trying to make light of Viceland's burn. Vice you're harsh man!
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