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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. Actually several of the more experienced modelers here like the testors goopy tube stuff. I use it for parts I really want to secure the seam on. If enough glue goops out when I press the two halves together then i can just sand off whatever is left so I don't have to fill anymore to get rid of those pesky seamlines. For finer detail buy a bottle of the really liquid glue (looks like water) but make sure it has a fine needle type applicator. The brush thing is still to inaccurate for fine work. Hope that helps
  2. Macross Dynamite 7, 4 part OVA, featuring the space whales... Worse than regular Macross 7. 332967[/snapback] Space whales?? I'd love to see the 5000 in action but space whales WTF?
  3. These are kits, a recast of 1/48 YF-19 and YF-21. 332959[/snapback] Don't you think this thread would be in the toy section if they were toys?
  4. Which Macross series did the 5000 appear in? I know it's in the art books.
  5. Great, can't wait to follow along. I've actually got two of these, both originals.
  6. I ordered one of each for now, I'm sure I'm gonna need more in the future. Did anyone else place an order yet?
  7. Hello, I looked at the picture you referred to with the guy next to the Ghost. The fighter is actually turned slightly to the right (you can see the rear booster fully). In the full line drawings the proportions are larger than they are in the sketch. The X-9 is in 1/72 (I know what a shocker). From end to end it measures 10"s but it's got a long tail. The tail on it is about 1". I agree 16m seems silly.
  8. That's really cool man, congratulations! So your a civilian test pilot? How does that work? or are you already in the military?
  9. Great idea but I don't exactly get how your'e going to use them?
  10. I don't think the Ghost in M0 is a good comparison though, I mean the Ghost in M0 was meant more as a booster and decoy where as the QF3000 is a fully armed and functional aircraft. I'd just bump up your calculations a bit due to the small stature that could be associated with the man in the picture.
  11. You're welcome, I can send you the 600dpi file if you like so you can really see the details. The only stats I know of are in the RPG books but those can be unrealiable. Here's some stats I found: http://www.artemisgames.com/robotech/Aircraft/Ghost.html Some other info as well: http://anime.net/macross/mecha/united_nati...3000/index.html
  12. Ok if you're really going to do it start a new build up and inerest thread!
  13. Ok did some digging and scanning, here's a shot of the Ghost from the original TV series. Also here's a scan from one of my art books of the craft at 600DPI but I had to reduce the size to get it on here.
  14. Woohoo, if you pull this off you'll make my dreams come true. I'm gonna have to order a minimum of 3 maybe 5.
  15. Agree, it'll be interesting to see how it comes out in the end.
  16. Makes sense since talcum powder is made from a stone/mineral.
  17. Man WM, mine doesn't have anywhere near the bubbles yours has, you musta got a crap batch or something. You definately got a batch cast by Captian America and not JM. JM doesn't use that weird gray stuff and the casting was much better. Why aren't you using Tamiya putty to fill in the holes?
  18. That thought occured to me as well, too bad the SV-51 looks so stupid in batroid mode. But if they make one of course I'll have to buy one.
  19. Funniest one I've seen is the "Crap Shooting Monkey" toy. "Pull my arms and I shoot crap" LFMO
  20. Yeah too bad but that eliminates the temptation to buy both if they were both in 1/72 scale.
  21. Wouldn't know what those are like
  22. Nope never a TV's series Ghost kit, which is quite unbelievable. You would really do it justice. If you're seriously considering it please make it in 1/72 to go with the rest of the model series. The only Ghost kit ever produced was the Ghost from Macross Plus which is a totally different aircraft. Please please please! This is probably at the very top of my wishlist. I know a lot of people would want this baby. First pic is of the X-9 Ghost from Macross Plus And the second is of the QF-3000 Ghost from the original TV series
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