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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. Hi Thorsten, is it my imagination or does the big conical pink part on the front look bigger than it is in your painting?
  2. Hey good to hear it Mike
  3. Look kids it's Mr. Zenti the giant space poo, hurraaay!
  4. Well no I wouldn't say easy, but doable. Thanks
  5. The wires you added in the wheel wells look awesome man, care to explain your technique for doing it?
  6. Agree, why would you split it down the center that way. Also anxious to see the final product, I don't think it looks so great right now. More like something someone hand sculpted from playdough.
  7. I know you don't want to drill holes in your valks but if you ever change your mind check out the Macross stands here at www.themodelbase.com
  8. I think I might ditch the base and attach the upper portion to a base from the modelbase.
  9. good boy
  10. I guess you missed out on the last couple of custom resin kits here on MW. There's the Atmospheric booster for the Hase VF-1, the all new sculpt of the Zen battlepod, the launch arm, the Oberth space destroyer, the Bug eye spider kit, all masterpieces all done by members of this board.
  11. Hey what's the commission for?
  12. I'm not exactly sure what he's talking about, a sculpted base, you mean around the outside of the skull on the edge or what?
  13. Yeah they are really great there, btw the casting should be underway soon. I've got all the decals already printed.
  14. The 7" base would be great to stand a 1/48 battroid on. No rods would be needed and now you have your choice of a big kite or a Jolly Roger.
  15. Any updates on the sculpt?
  16. Yeah I wouldn't expect much fancy packaging with a recast.
  17. Love it, raised would be awesome!
  18. Yeah we all pay access fees, how'd you slip by?
  19. Hey WM looks really great, the shaded black and yellow part looks really good. One suggestion, on the silver hydralic arms, they are a bit too clean, on construction equipment they'll be very slightly streaked with brownish fluid, especially closer to the edges.
  20. Yup, betcha a nice Future bath would do it.
  21. Thanks Aurora, the second part about the pilot not loosing himself is what I wasn't getting.
  22. From what Thorsten described in his Oberth thread to us it would be known as Bondo.
  23. Hey spatula, yes Yukikaze was from another OVA series. I have some of them, the mecha designs are awesome but I really couldn't make any sense out of the show. Very strange. If you search on HLJ.com for Yukikaze it'll bring up all the models available.
  24. I've never heard of that other stuff, I use Tamiya and Gunze, water based acrylics, so awesome to use.
  25. LOL, oh and go away freako (just kidding), Decals may be a future project, I've got enough to focus on right now getting these models done.
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