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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. There's never been an add on kit to change the cockpit to the TV version. Post pics with what you come up with. Welcom to MW
  2. Actually there was a models page in the works if you look at the home page and click on models. The effort is trying to list every Macross model made, and each one includes links to built pics and also to buildup guides that people have done. Jesse was trying to do this but I think he's been too busy, we do need some serious HTML modeling help, Big F you should mail him about it.
  3. You all are dreamin' we can't even get a completed model gallery here like the toy boy's have. I like your idea though
  4. 366368[/snapback] Cuz the Japanese fans haven't exactly gone out of their way to make G-kits available to us. Besides, if you're Japanese you can still order from this site.
  5. mmmm kickasss mmmmmm
  6. You mean like the Lancer II kit? Man I'm still grateful for that thing.
  7. The nozzles look amazing man, wow!
  8. That's me alright, although I usually speak in complete sentences
  9. Your wife got you all that? How'd she know what you wanted, looks like you got yourself a good woman, hold on to her. She musta really missed you eh?
  10. Hey you're back! how was... uh... wherever they sent you? Anyway welcome back
  11. Dude that looks so awesome it's making me a little queasy just lookin' at it. OMG OMG OMG
  12. Ahhhh We are ALL Macross geeks. 364508[/snapback] Model geeks tend to be older it seems
  13. Grayson72


  14. Welcome to "Valkaholics not so anonymous" the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem... well done
  15. We do not accept excuses, we're just going to have to find ourselves a new AlphaHX that's all. Welcome back
  16. Hey hey I built your Lancer II kit didn't I, you loved it
  17. Yeah but we were referring to those toy guys who were whining to the capt about his sculpt, which sounds like you weren't one of them.
  18. Chad I´d say that´s EXACTLY what the toy guys thought! We modelers see a broken part or an imperfection and our brain comes up with "drill, fill, sand, prime, paint, ready in 10 minutes" - but only because we are USED to think that way. 363578[/snapback] Ha exactly! well put sir!
  19. HO is is 1/86th unfortunately, otherwise I'd be in 1/72 heaven.
  20. I have some obscure military vehicles in 1/76 scale which is odd but you can't tell the difference at that scale.
  21. Nope, he's keeping an ample supply of them so they don't become all rare and then someone copies it.
  22. I don't know what those toy guys were thinking when they ordered that conversion. I mean they buy toys cuz they don't want to build models, but what did they think a resin conversion was... a model that attaches to a toy. Did they honestly think they'd swap out a few parts and vroom vroom they'd be flying around the room? Come on.
  23. Amen brother!
  24. Yeah, but on your own you also have to deal with all the buisiness stuff and marketing yourself and your product. I've known and known of several people who started a company to do what they love, but get so bogged down in the business aspects that they couldn't to the things they started the company for. I work for a huge company and get to do the engineering I want without much of the buisiness stuff getting in the way. There is also the benefit of a good and steady paycheck as you noted, but also great benefits. This is something that cannot be overlooked. 363256[/snapback] If I could find a huge company doing something that I love I'd be in heaven. Right now I work for a huge company but hate what I do.
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