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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. I'd go for a 1/20th scale one but this one's prolly too close to a 1/48 that I already have
  2. I want to ship Devins to him this week, i owe him for the decal sheets..I am hoping to contact the first 5 people for payment mid week, with the understanding that they will ship early the following week, i have been casting and if i can keep up the pace i should be able to cast 1 or 2 a day, depending on other obligations i would like to see at least 5 ship every week.... mike 407091[/snapback] Hey cool I'm # 5 on the list, *rubs HWR's face in it*
  3. at least those 3 plus any other vehicles you feel like coming up with, I'm definately down for.
  4. Well in the 1/100 set there was a transport vehicle, a generator vehicle and a cherry picker truck, the flat platform thing you could skip since that was just part of the diorama. Ever thought about recreating some kind of diorama stuff like the factory in 1/72 scale I'd kill for something like that, Hangars, military buildings, command center, factory etc... all made in the likeness of the Macross airfield
  5. How dare you say the name of He Who Must Not Be Named so openly like that... sssshhhhh!
  6. Well I have several ideas.... the little people set in 1/72, but I haven´t been able to track down those Preiser base figures, everyone seems to sell them in 1/87 but no 1/72 so far, but after my holidays I´m going to order them. and Destroids, definitely. The Cheyenne is almost complete in my head, just need to do it in plastic The older ones would be cool, too. I need to duplicate and improve the IMAI Defender´s legs anyway -I want them as replacements for my ARII Tomahawk. While I´m at it, I could re-build the rest of the Tomahawk (too under-detailed and boxy) and make a Phalanx as well..... And, as an architectural modeler whose customers are all broke, I could take my time and make a model of a certain Chinese restaurant.... 407792[/snapback] I believe that Mr. Moscato is planning a run of the old destroids actually, he's says that's his next project. A Cheyenne would be so sweet though. I'll send you my Preiser 1/72 figs if that will speed up the process. Architectural models are always welcome for a great diorams btw. Still want a full vehicles set too, I'd order like 5 sets dude.
  7. What's the next project man?
  8. Dude you're a boat building genius, holy crap! I wanna see pics of the wooden boats you've made.
  9. 1/35 scale is the PERFECT scale for dioramas!! There are tons of after market figures, accessories and vehicles that can be used to put together a kick ass scene. Not to mention modifying a 1/35 scale figure is much easier than a 1/72 scale... WOW! Would definitely be worth the money for a recast. 407454[/snapback] Holy crap! 1/20th? I can't even imagine how huge that thing is I wanna see it next to a 1/72 hase for comparison.
  10. I suggest you drop it, the guy has access to tanks....real ones
  11. God that was funny Never heard of RSB, is it resin?
  12. Well said LTSO, who the hell keeps promoting these people to mods and admins anyway, I mean Fulcy is a mod?? are you kidding?
  13. That's what I'll have as soon as I get this thing in my hands, the new detailed one and the old school 1/72 one. I have a really good reason for you not get two HWR, cuz the one with the booster on it's back would look really stupid.
  14. They're $95 bucks at the SSM store, if he's got any left.
  15. Saweet! He's gonna need another batch soon, already.
  16. Oh thank god, man I felt bad about that. But looks like he got em, thanks man. Any idea how many he sold?
  17. LMAO!!!
  18. Yeah I know, I had them printed up. I was asking Kylwell since I was late on delivering the second batch of decals to SSM and was hoping he got them in time for WF.
  19. Hey, great Kylwell, did he have the decals with the kit?
  20. Man look at the nose on that thing, looks really great though Thorsten how old was the kit, I've heard nothing but good things about Trumpeter but I only collect the 1/32 kits.
  21. I haven't actually had that problem with my Hase VF-1 kits, but good tip none the less. Thanks
  22. Those look really great man, thanks for sharing. Man that alpha is tiny compared to the rest, do we think the model company got the size correct?
  23. Ok I give what's FRPG? 402015[/snapback] Fantasy Role Playing Game such as Dungeons & Dragons. 402016[/snapback] cool thanks, I thought it might be Friendly role playing game and what fun would that be. "would you like some more tea?" "ok do a politeness roll on a d6 and roll for your pouring skill on a d20" LOL
  24. Ok I give what's FRPG?
  25. Playing online just ain't the same as having a bunch of guys sitting around the table, dice and papers everywhere, arguing with the GM about the feasibility of a VF doing a double back flip and shooting ten battlepods in the back. Oh and don't forget the pizza
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