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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. Those figures look awesome, what scale?
  2. How will the gantry roll along the turntable?
  3. depends on what kind of paint you used. if it's Acrylics use Windex enamals you're screwed.
  4. I'm not really sure why the conversion kit wouldn't work for either kit but I've got a few of those VF-22s kits if you're interested
  5. I'd just set it down and back away for awhile and move on to something else until what originally inspired you to build this model returns.
  6. Oh just thought of one thing, you may want to add some small doors at ground level to grant people access to the bay. Some could be just the right size for people and some could be larger double doors for moving larger equipment throughtout the facility or accessing storage rooms.
  7. Looks really cool Mike, are you using any reference pics from Macross to add to the detail?
  8. I'll sell ya mine.
  9. FYI there's also a Guardian conversion kit from the same people (which I also have .
  10. I have one, it ran me $300 dollars.
  11. You need to move to a warmer climate with lower humidity my friend, then you could cast like a mad man.
  12. Looking awesome Mike, I hope you're able to create masters and pour castings at the same time
  13. Actually they look a lot like the ones that just come with the old Bandai variable kits
  14. Hey glad someone liked my idea!
  15. Hi Mike, I think this is a great idea! Your idea of making different bits available got me thinking. You could make the base and walls generic enough that you could then sell different add-on kits to make them more specific to the modellers diorama/display needs. For example: Add on parts to turn the base into a repair bay for aircraft, a repair bay for destroids, a hangar for destroids, a hangar for aircraft, add on parts that would be specific to space based hangars and ones for land based, etc... I'd love to have a hanger that is made to house destroids, the pilots have to take stairs/elevators up and walk out on elevated platforms to climb into the destroid cockpits etc... We'd definately need people for this as well. I don't think there's anything wrong with taking some design cues from the old 1/100 factory design either. I really liked the spotlights they had mounted on the floor shining up on the mecha. I really liked the big moveable gantry that was in the kit as well.
  16. Sounds good I'm in.
  17. Hey great! thanks for buying
  18. Actually there's been two kits released of the Monster in 1/72 and you're right the thing is huge. Looks like small lawn art it's so big.
  19. There's only two left already so hurry! https://www.starshipmodeler.com/cfstore/ind...FTOKEN=48891342 Forgive my shameless plug
  20. Ahem, oh Thorsten??? finish up those vehicles and then give us one of these babies please
  21. That's so cool, I wish it was in 1/72 scale.
  22. Hey what was the base color you used for that BTW? Also, do you think the Tomahawk and the Phalanx are the same color?
  23. 1 Arii mint in box Vf-1J GBP not sure Im gonna ever make this one kinda hoping Hasegawa will fill the gap there. Hey you could always do a kit bash like I did with a Hasegawa Battroid.
  24. Sweet workspace, are you in an apartment?
  25. Interesting point, especially since I've sold a ton of those boosters through the SSM store too.
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