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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. Well ya know what they say "do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life". Wish I could find something to do that I really loved. Hey these would be cool to have. LVT Avenger II Attack Aircraft, Siokorvsky Sea Sergeant Helicopter
  2. Who me?
  3. I just wish you'd stick to subjects that have never been produced in 1/72 scale before. Of course all your models are wonderful but the ones that really excite me are the ones that have never been produced in physical 3-D.
  4. The wingtips on the VT-1 and VE-1 from Hasegawa are the same, did Hasegawa get it wrong too?
  5. You just gotta make sure to intercept the package from the mail before she see's it, that's all.
  6. That's the only way to do it in my opinion, any other way comes out looking too stark.
  7. I guess they finally clicked the "ok let him back in button" what the heck did you do? LOL
  8. I had that kit and sold it to someone else, it's horrible, their castings are total crap and yes their customer service is too. They say it's shipped, don't hold your breath until the thing is sitting on your doorstep.
  9. Have you tried dry transfer decals, you can buy a whole set with just black stripes of varying widths.
  10. Nice build, but what's with the landing gear? Why didn't he paint them and could they be any more stocky?
  11. I want these for diorama purposes. 1/60 toys, ugh
  12. What Macross models are in 1:60 scale? I've got over 150 1/72 scale models.
  13. Yeah I'm gonna be getting a bunch of these, Misa could be any female officer at that scale, just change the color of her hair. I hope you do a male officer too.
  14. I was thinking that's how I may have to build mine, would be expensive though If I wanted to display all of them in all three modes.
  15. He'd be crazy not to kit those and sell them after all that hard work.
  16. Oh you're such a tease Petar, I hope there's lot's of figures not just pilots like uniformed officers and flight deck crew etc...
  17. I have to admit, I'm not a big fan of the bubble canopy look, just my 2 cents.
  18. Totally agree with ya thre MT
  19. Yeah I second that, they don't need to be quite so bubbly
  20. The ground vehicles like those that came from the 1/100 factory kit are on a lot of peoples long standing "wanted" list I beleive. Thorsten was going to start on some but never actuall finished any of them unfortunately. I'd get like five sets if these came out, there's quite a few vehicle designs in the design books. Here's a link to a two year old thread, check out thorsten's/Honneamise work, it was awesome, too bad he never finished it. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...ross%20vehicles
  21. Kinda perplexing though, just seems like a totally random release, not that I'm complaining
  22. Yup totally understand what your saying, I've got the line art books and in the front view the sides of the main body look straight up and down. Then if you look at the front 3/4 view it looks like the sides start to curve away just aft of the front cockpit giving it that mean beefy kick ass look. So if you have to interpret it one way or the other I'd go with the mean beefy interpretation LOL I'm sure you're sculpt with be beautiful however it comes out. Here's a pic of what I'm talking about with the sides curving away as opposed to straight up and down.
  23. In the comparison photos you posted captain, although it's hard to tell but it looks like the main body of the Com. is a bit skinny and the canopies may be a bit too bubbly.
  24. That's where I was heading, but maybe there's a loading bay underneath for the missile launcher, that might be cool.
  25. Captain, in the link you posted it says 1 x forward firing large internal missile launcher (mounted port), isn't that what you were looking for?
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