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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. To answer your question, no, there are no kits of these awesome machines. Our only hope of getting them lies with Captain America and his awesome sculpting and casting skills. And before you ask, yes we've been bugging him about it
  2. sigh, there's so many great ground vehicle designs in the art books. I wish someone would do them. Honneamise started them but never finished. They looked so perfect too.
  3. I may want to take off some of the canopies to my completed TV versions and retrofit pilots in (they're only glued on with white glue)
  4. He already announced the Gluag officers pod is next.
  5. You know there's recasts of this in stock at Hobbyfan right now.
  6. That's pretty neat, reminds me of the facility from Aliens. What a great dad to make something for you kids to play with.
  7. Got mine today, looks like it'll be a fun little build.
  8. Here's a shot of my build up of the VF-0B for reference.
  9. LTSO? well look who popped out of the weeds and said hello. LOL
  10. You can buy dry transfer sheets with black lines of various thicknesses, I've used those with great success when I've messed up a decal a few times.
  11. HLJ could be expensive though depending on where you live. Sometimes Starshipmodeler.com has bandai Macross and Gundam kits. Same price as on HLJ usually but cheaper shipping and lighting fast too. Very trustworthy.
  12. Wow how the hell did you find this old post anyway?
  13. Wow that looks really great! The subtle light dusting on certain areas is such a cool effect, I'm so doing this to mine if I ever get round to building it.
  14. I actually like the current format of the Hasegawa section. I wish they all looked like that. In that section there's even a place designated for built up models, although no one has ever seen any pics in those spots.
  15. True but we could make a model gallery out of just your builds alone. Add together the vast history of model builds that have been posted on this site (mine, WMCheng, etc.) you'd have a pretty nice gallery. But that's just builds, seems like the model pages that just showed what models were produced got a good start but was never finished.
  16. Yeah it seems like it really should be the definative place but unfortunately it's not. Modelers of Macross seem to often be second string after the toys on this site. Just look at the modified toy gallery, no respect I tell ya, no respect.
  17. Doh, it was only a matter of time before someone brought up the "Topic that must not be mentioned" LOL.
  18. Well it seems to be for the Mac zero stuff, the VF-0B was a two seater version of the normal sweep wing VF-0 that was never seen in the series.
  19. Looking good Sean, you didn't waste any time puting those decals to use. Glad they worked for ya.
  20. Here's the link Sean http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...&hl=ostrich
  21. Did you ever see the build up I did?
  22. Not to mention that site is a known recaster which is kind of frowned upon here.
  23. Extremely rare kit, not sure if it's ever been recast even. This is the 1/72 resin kit however, the 1/100 kit from bandai that's transformable is readily available.
  24. Really? I thought that looked right to me. The B-Wing is a big fighter/bomber and I know that kit was Mastered by Alfred Wong who knows his stuff.
  25. Are those Star Wars ships all in the same scale?
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