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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. Wonder Festival wish list: VF-X VF-171 RVF-171 VF-171 EX VF-17 YF-19 Battroid conversion (Excelsus version) All in 1/72 mmmmmm
  2. Built this nice little kit from Captain Harlock, Space Wolf SW-190. Really well engineered for painting the parts separately. The only part I'm not happy with is the silvered decal on the top of the nose, grrr.
  3. I'll post pictures of the parts for you when they arrive.
  4. Hey I scored this from Wonder Festival this year, I'm super excited! I've never seen this upgrade set before. By Seventh Moon
  5. I volunteered way back when, I have a good scanner and a bunch of rare models so I could work on it as well.
  6. I thought we agreed... no more business trips
  7. Wow your skills have come so far since your first kits, that is such a nice build! What colors did you use for the different grays? Very inspring, it makes me want to bust this kit out and get to work right now. Make sure you put this in your album in the gallery.
  8. I have the same recast YF-21 with a full set of decals for sale. PM me if you're interested.
  9. Sweet I might have to go in on one this time. You need to get ahold of the cat's eye patterns.
  10. Any updates on these?
  11. You need to tell your employer to stop sending you on trips cuz like you have Macross stuff to do
  12. Wow... that's... that's all I got.... Can you even buy a 1/2000 version anymore?
  13. Totally agree, I like to build display models not transforming toys.
  14. Looks like you've done a panel line wash already, if so did you go with black or a gray color?
  15. Oh yeah, I get those two confused sometimes. Yeah that vinyl one was crap.
  16. Looking good, the one with the bird nose was the Club-M version, This one is based off of the Retppu version which is by far the best.
  17. I'm definately down for a 1/72 version.
  18. Deleted
  19. Grayson72

    Kit's Power

    You really should contact them and protest. Contact them here. cs.order@kitspower.com
  20. Grayson72

    Kit's Power

    Yeah those are recasts/rippoffs, I know for a fact that John at Starship modeler owns the original master for the booster.
  21. Yeah the captain really needs to do one of these, his would come out better than this one I bet too.
  22. That would be the G-String festival... (men only) LOL
  23. Mr Mascato could have done it up better, I think the sculpt looks a little amaturish
  24. The Hasegawa was a nice kit but had raised panel lines which is annoying. The cockpit was only so so but you could get an aftermarket kit. The Trumpeter is like $120, I got this for $30 but the decals disintegrated when I tried to apply them.
  25. I just finished this little beastie off, a 1/32 Hasegawa A-4E in custom decals I made.
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