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Everything posted by jipe

  1. M0 destroid.... Hmmm. Good idea. One more in the wish list !
  2. Don't worry. The regult scout is enough for the moment (I didn't think to see a day this version in 1/72 scale. I also think to my wallet...). We just need to dream !
  3. The movie version is really better than the serie version in my opinion. It shouldn't be more heavy (and costly) than the regult or the Q-Rau...
  4. Yes, why not a Dragon (I don't think it would be difficult to cast / "recast " ?!) I have never seen a Nousjadeul Ger in 1/72 scale. This will be a nice add...
  5. Maybe. It doesn't look offensive ... See the S type head . Is it possible in this position ? (as for the SV 51 !)
  6. I agree. It's so evident as for every wars. One of my project is to build a valk with a lot of weathering, replacement and canibalized parts. A real war plane in fact like some german fighters at the end of WWII : Bf 109 G or K, Fw 190D... sometimes with tails, fuselage and wings with different camo and paint due to the different manufacturers, some parts without any paint... Really cool scheme for me. Or with "rust" and weathering like the planes on the pacific theater (almost japanese)
  7. Another one from a model kit box art (I'm not sure, post by another member a long time ago) with a different pack:
  8. Do you have a picture or the reference of the book ? I only have this picture:
  9. I think it's like approx. 1/248 scale...
  10. Don't you think the radome of the VEFR is the same of the elint ? I like a lot the one with the green radome. Great for sure with a VEFR-1 or a VE-1. But about the part on the right (half green): is it round like a ball or a circle like a plate ? Difficult to see from front.
  11. A Flanker in space, I don't think. For the first, we can see those 8 white things ? ... but where are the tails and the legs ? For the last, well... maybe one arm on the left side... A valk into transformation ? But that's certainly only animation mistakes... Think to the guy who was drawing all those boring Valk on the picture !!! Another one for your custom (from TIA 3 page 98):
  12. There are other strange valks on this poster (discussed in an other topic a long time ago). I don't know if there is the one that sketchley is talking about. I would like to have the time to scratch and built some of those ones.... a veteran ? without legs and tails ! with (supposed) missiles on the tails (there are another picture of this model somewhere) a really cool one (don't know the name. Anyone has an idea ?) ???!!!
  13. Not great, but more large...
  14. In stock now at HLJ. The box arts look nice (hard to see very well)
  15. I'm in !
  16. I like a lot the 3 minmays (who made the DYRL and Flashback 2012 ones ? or is it customs ?)
  17. Thanks for the pictures. As I see, nothing really new and not the music ultimate and complete best of .... So many CDs for so few titles ! I will pass on it... (The cover looks strange or it's just me... seems there are the body of Misa and the head of Minmay !!! )
  18. Is anyone know more about the content of this box by Victor entertainment ? http://www.hlj.com/product/VICVIZL244
  19. Great ! I don't like the variable kits for their "toys" touch. But yours is beautiful
  20. Why not ? There are also some CM'S part 2 figures at new....
  21. Great conversion. I had to try the same way to have better ones than the imai kits...
  22. Receive mine yesterday. It was really fast. Thanks I didn't think it was the kit, first... The box was so big !!! Same thing for the kit... Congratulations again, amazing work !
  23. Just send the payment...
  24. Looks like you will be in the next group of 5, the person infront of you has not posted in over a year, i will still send him a note, but i would be suprised if he was still around MW. mike 417824[/snapback] Hey ! I'm the one just before Kylwell. Are you talking about me ??? I'm still here, waiting for a long to receive this beautiful kit (That's true I don't post a lot on the forum ! ) If you are really talking about me... So I am on the next group !!!! GREAT ! Note that I am twice on the list, I told that it was a mistake but...
  25. Hey, I just see that I am twice on the list: # 24 and 32 ... I only take one kit in fact. Sorry if it's my fault. I keep # 24 !!!
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